🚢Embark on a data-driven journey to uncover the mysteries of the Titanic disaster with the machine learning-powered survival prediction project. This GitHub repository hosts a comprehensive analysis and predictive model that explores the factors influencing passenger survival on the ill-fated voyage.🌊
🔍 Project Highlights:
-Data Exploration: Delve into the Titanic dataset with detailed exploratory data analysis (EDA) to gain insights into passenger demographics, ticket classes, and other key variables.
-Feature Engineering: Witness the art of crafting meaningful features to enhance model performance, including the creation of new variables that capture nuances in the data.
-Machine Learning Models: Experience the application of various machine learning algorithms, from classic decision trees to sophisticated ensemble methods, to predict passenger survival probabilities.
-Evaluation Metrics: Understand the evaluation metrics employed to assess model accuracy and effectiveness in predicting survival outcomes.