Bake your Particle Simulations into Keyframed Objects
Drag-Drop install from the official Blender Extension Platform
- Moved tips and suggestions to a collapsed panel to unclog UI
- New Collection system to manage multiple bakes within the same scene
- Re-Baking implemented (just hit bake again and overwrite the previous collection)
- Improved fail-safe messages and overall UX
- Added support for Blender 4.0
- added Randomizer for Grease Pencil animations
- Improved Bake_Step
- Added an extra panel to edit your frames after baking
- Built structure to develop a more complex addon further down the line
- Fixed bug with Blender 3.6.2++
- Implemented multiple objects Particles baking
- Supports Bake Step and the Baking of Animated Grease Pencil Objects + Metaballs!
- Supports baking Different Objects as Particles
Using the BakeStep, you can choose to keyframe only every N number of frames!
Allows the user to:
- Drive the motion of a storm of objects with particles
- Transfer the motion from particles to any object in blender
- Export simulations as .fbxs
- Fluid Simulations
- Explosion Simulations (Particle System)
- Particles Export into .fbx files
If you can´t see the addon when installing the .zip file just unzip the file and install the .py file directly from the add-on prefences tab.
if particles don´t appear to be rotating make sure to enable the "Dynamic" option in the particle settings. Cake Particles won´t keyframe rotations that are not there to begin with.