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Releases: SceneView/sceneview-android


20 Nov 13:09
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  • Changed default View parameters
  • Don't filter session frame update on timestamp
  • Keep screen on resumed
  • Add SceneView gesture listener setter
  • Fixed Camera transform column order
  • Fixed hit testing / view to world
  • Changed default camera near and far
  • Add material color custom param name
  • Opened SimpleGestureListener
  • Cleanup compose sample
  • Log Engine destroy
  • Destroy default material instance when destroying material
  • CameraStream better destroy
  • CameraStream RGB16F format
  • LightEstimator improve
  • PlaneRenderer material cleanup
  • Fixed Node transform
  • Kotlin 1.9.10 / AGP 8.1.3


15 Nov 15:14
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  • Single primitive Geometries (Use single material instance param constructor)
  • Enhance RenderableNode
  • Fixed and improved samples
  • Changed AR Filament configuration
  • Added tracking changed listener
  • Fixed Compose Session configuration
  • Changed rememberARCamera to rememberARCameraNode
  • Fixed AugmentedImageNode scaling to image
  • Fixed AR Node positioning
  • Added catching createAnchorOrNull
  • Refactored Frame hit testing
  • Added Session paused listener
  • Added SelectedNodeGestureDetector, HitTestGestureDetector and PickGestureDetector
  • Node.smooth -> Node.smoothTransform
  • Added Polygon Geometry and PolygonNode
  • Refactored GestureDetector
  • Evict resource datas after model loading
  • Added Image material creation
  • Added Node editing listener
  • Fixed ModelNode bounding box
  • Added MeshNode primitive type param
  • Temporary disabled VideoNode
  • Fixed/Improve ImageNode/ImageTexture
  • Fixed Geometries
  • Screen to/from World and hit testing move to Kotlin-math and CollisionSystem
  • Fixed Compose child nodes updates
  • Add CollisionSystem and GestureDetector SceneView parameters
  • Updated compose dependencies
  • Filament 1.45.0
  • Remove sceneview_2_0_0 from included projects
  • Separated to two constructors (#346)
  • Fix cylinder submeshes error (#348)
  • Added back missing materialInstance (#345)


27 Oct 14:33
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  • Fixed AR Lifecycle observer
  • Refactored Light Estimator
  • Fixed Local to World and World to Local
  • Cleanup AR Model Viewer Compose Sample


26 Oct 13:19
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  • Move Defaults SceneView creator to companion object
  • Added onViewUpdated compose parameter
  • onSessionUpdate -> onSessionUpdated
  • Disable view dynamic resolution on AR
  • Fixed Model Viewer sample model origin
  • ModelLoader instancedModel return a List
  • Moved CollisionSystem hit testing to CameraNode
  • Add CameraNode view percent position hit testing
  • Added Camera and View World to/from View Space to/from Clip Space
  • Moved view picking to View
  • Moved overlap testing to Node
  • Fixed ModelNode bounding box and collision shape


25 Oct 12:49
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  • Fix session update
  • Opened ARCameraStream
  • Renewed Scene and ARScene Composables mechanism
  • Fixed Materials
  • Fixed GestureDetector
  • New Lifecycle and Activity retrieving
  • Fixed ModelLoader and more resource releasing
  • Fixed CameraNode
  • Fixed ModelNode
  • Fixed Geometry Nodes and single material instance param
  • Node parent constructor param
  • Added Compose sample
  • Model viewer sample cleanup

ARSceneview 1.1.0

16 Oct 22:06
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Perhaps what Sceneform and SceneView should always have been: A direct link from logical-architectured ARCore Nodes to a Filament ECS Kotlin's implementation.

  • 80% Architecture cleaned
  • 80% Implementation cleaned
  • 50% Features added

If you are interested in contributing, tasks list is here:


SceneView 1.0.12 / ARSceneView 0.10.2

21 Aug 14:10
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  • ARCore 1.39.0
  • Updated dependencies
  • Fixed Geometries
  • GeospatialPose transform extension

SceneView 1.0.11 / ARSceneView 0.10.1

04 Aug 14:19
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  • Node smooth transform end listener (#293)
  • Fixed projection to screen space (#297)
  • Fixed SceneView order (#298)
  • HitTest default contextual values on ARFrame and ARSceneview
  • Use Pose Matrix to get its transform instead of compositing it with position and quaternion
  • Use Pose transform on ARNode instead of compositing it
  • ARNode anchor tracking listener
  • Added planeFindingEnabled directly to ARSceneview
  • Added Node worldTransform setter
  • Added Anchor extensions

SceneView 1.0.10 / ARSceneView 0.10.0

27 Jun 23:08
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The rendering and consuming result of this version is nothing compared (Test AR Model Viewer and AR Point cloud to feel the difference).
We are now running Filament as it deserves and the result is now as smooth as using lower level or Game engines.
A complete refactor around transforms and parenting to directly target Filament and kotlin-math calls has been made.
A lot of consuming and leaking parts has been cleaned and we now better insure the complete destroy of all ARCore and Filament initialized resources. A lot of work has been made on the best suitable Filament/ARCore configurations and on the Camera Stream and rendering.

Thanks to the refactored Lifecycle and linked Activity handling ,Sceneview might now be easier to integrate with Flutter.
Counterpart is that you need an Engine parameter on Node constructors (The whole transforms and parenting calculations are now delegated to Filament)
The whole LifecycleOwner nightmare has been removed.
You can retrieve the Engine from a Sceneview or use your own that you apply to one or multiple sceneview.
You can also preload any 3D thing before rendering your SceneView/ARSceneView and manage your Filament engine linked stuff outside of the View scope (inside a ViewModel or anywhere you want)

  • Start moving CameraNode and ArCameraNode to Kotlin-math
  • Added Camera extensions
  • Removed com.gorisse.thomas:android-view-lifecycle
  • Removed default node selection visualizer
  • Fixed Node smooth transform infinite slerp
  • Added ModelNode parenting to handle model transform
  • Fixed Sceneview 1.0.0 transform
  • Removed Sceneview LifecycleOwner
  • Fixed Filament Engine retaining/destroying
  • Removed SurfaceMirrorer lifecycle
  • Removed force models culling
  • Added Matrix comparison (with possible delta)
  • Removed KTXLoader lifecycle
  • Fixed Point Cloud sample
  • Fixed AR Model viewer sample config
  • Fixed CursorPlacement sample
  • Improved Cloud Anchor sample
  • Start migrating PlaneVisualizer to Kotlin
  • Moved back Session update to LATEST_CAMERA_IMAGE
  • Removed duplicated frame camera tracking retrieves
  • Removed ARSceneView LifecycleOwner
  • Renew ARSceneView session management
  • Renew ARCore and Session lifecycle and activity dependency
  • Fixed ArNode smooth transform when anchored (Very consuming)
  • ArModelNode hitPosition -> screenPosition
  • Disable ArModelNode session config apply
  • Removed ArSession trackables
  • Removed unused ArSceneform files

SceneView 1.0.9 / ARSceneView 0.9.10

20 Jun 16:17
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  • Fixed Geometries
  • Removed default skybox and applied black skybox by default
  • Changed Filament View default options
  • Check for transform value diff before before applying it
  • Fixed anchor pose auto update
  • Disabled light estimation by default
  • Fixed unwanted smooth transform
  • Fixed destroying issues
  • Default CameraNode exposure + Fixed ArCameraStream leaking SceneView
  • Fixed renderable culling and added default culling to Model.createInstance()
  • Fixed ARCamera Pose
  • Refactored/Cleanup/Fixed LightEstimator
  • Fixed Node destroying order
  • Fixed workflows Java version