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Releases: SceneView/sceneview-android

SceneView 1.0.8 / ARSceneView 0.9.9

08 Jun 23:54
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  • Fixed workflows Java version
  • Fixed destroying issue
  • Optimised Filament configuration for AR
  • Disabled frame rate configuration at Sceneview level
  • Disabled background transparency detect
  • Improved engine destroying
  • Fixed VideoNode
  • RenderNode renderable constructor
  • Fixed Node frame transform
  • Model retrieve from ModelNode
  • Synchronous model loading
  • Fixed Model and Geometry bounding box / collision shape
  • Added GeometryNode to use Cube, Sphere, Plane, Cylinder or custom mesh
  • Model culling true and ScreenSpaceContactShadows false by default
  • Filament 1.36.0
  • Improved ArCameraStream
  • Improved PointCloud Sample
  • Moved CameraNode and ArCameraNode to Kotlin
  • ARCore 1.37.0
  • Kotlin-math 1.5.3
  • Update onMoveEnd to use anchor() to fix crash
  • Reduced Samples logo size
  • Filament 1.32.4
  • Disabled Filament Dynamic Resolution
  • Added RenderableNode constructor with renderables params
  • Moved collision shape to Model
  • Overridable GestureDetector functions
  • Fix destroy order
  • Fix for rendering semi-transparent models and plane renderer
  • Samples new icon/logo/color

SceneView 1.0.7 / ARSceneView 0.9.8

02 Apr 11:04
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  • Remove Lifecycle parameter to fix destroying issues. Please destroy Models, Materials,... on your side
  • Improve and fix ArCameraStream
  • AugmentedImageNode + AugmentedImage Sample
  • VideoNode
  • Clean/Fix + remove consuming focal point on PlaneRenderer
  • Bring back frame rate limitation
  • Limit ArSceneView to half frame rate
  • Cleaned Geometries architecture
  • Cleanup PlaneVisualizer
  • Remove unnecessary context parameter on ModelNode constructor
  • Remove unnecessary context parameter on ArModelNode constructor
  • Remove unnecessary context parameter on CursorNode
  • Remove unnecessary node parameter on ArNode listeners
  • Remove Model and Material from ModelNode for less confusing with ModelInstance and MaterialInstance
  • Remove confusion between Material and MaterialInstance
  • Prevent crash when trying to add animation for model with no animations
  • Added loadModelInstance() function
  • Remove keep screen on from ui thread
  • Fix an infinite loop issue (#226)
  • Made Node.isSelected open in ARSceneview 0.9.x
  • Changed Dokka doc publish to html

SceneView 1.0.7 / ARSceneView 0.9.7

22 Feb 00:54
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  • Improve plane renderer
  • Hide Nodes and PlaneRenderer when no AR tracking
  • Fixed Node picking
  • Added onArTrackingFailureChanged to Compose
  • Filament 1.3.4
  • Fixed hierarchy visibility
  • Use default Filament configuration
  • Updated materials
  • Removed instructions
  • Changed camera stream update order
  • Improved PlaneRenderer
  • Removed ArModelView
  • Added ModelNode and ArModelNode model instance constructor
  • Fixed Screen Mirroring Functionality (#221)
  • Cleanup

SceneView 1.0.5 / ARSceneView 0.9.6

20 Feb 19:27
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  • Remove lifecycle from Model and Texture: You must destroy them on your side if not loaded from a ModelNode
  • Fix reload asset loader on destroy
  • Better Node transform check on frame
  • Update SceneView Compile SDK
  • Update OpenGl Context
  • Remove session update try catch
  • Improve AR frame filtering
  • Clean CameraStream
  • Add Point Cloud sample
  • Remove unused resources

SceneView 1.0.4 / ARSceneView 0.9.5

25 Jan 23:25
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  • Filament v1.31.2: Model -> ModelInstance
  • Fixed Camera Texture Stream glitches
  • Introduce common module for samples (and reduce dependency size)
  • Fixed Node parenting and attaching issues
  • Catch session update fail

SceneView 1.0.3 / ARSceneView 0.9.4

19 Jan 10:45
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  • Remove the double releaseSourceData since already called after glTF l…
  • Fix dependencies
  • Updated Kotlin version
  • Add missing buildFeatures for compose

SceneView 1.0.2 / ARSceneView 0.9.3

18 Jan 14:14
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  • Jetpack Compose
  • Hotfix on material destroy
  • Compose documentation

SceneView 1.0.1 / ARSceneView 0.9.2

18 Jan 11:47
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  • Bring back SceneView 0.9 and move 1.0.0 to sceneview_1_0_0 module


  • Fix destroy issues
  • Inverse frame AR and 3D rendering order
  • Filter invalid ArFrames
  • Update depth occlusion (#199)
  • Disable Depth retrieve when isDepthOcclusionEnabled = false
  • SurfaceMirorrer reintroduce
  • Kotlined OpenGL helper

SceneView 1.0.0 / ARSceneView 0.9.1

19 Dec 00:44
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  • Dependencies update
  • ARCore 1.35.0
  • Fixes

0.9.0 - RIP RenderableInstance for ModelNode + Fix AR positioning

18 Aug 00:50
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  • RIP RenderableInstance for ModelNode directly access FilamentAsset
  • Added RenderableNode for all types of rendered nodes
  • Added hitTest functions at ArSceneView level
  • Get hitTest from Position at ArFrame level
  • Added cameraFacingDirection directly to ArSceneView
  • Added model animator extensions
  • Changed ModelNode to use applyAnimation and updateBoneMatrices directly with frame time instead of using an ObjectAnimator


  • Fixed wrongs AR placement
  • Moved placementMode and onMove() from ArNode to ArModelNode for coming next AugmentedFaceNode and AugmentedImageNode
  • Refactor approximateDistanceMeters to approximateDistance
  • Fix wrong model animations interpolations


  • Added more documentation in the source code