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Schmoozerd edited this page Apr 15, 2013 · 2 revisions

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This DBC contains all achievement category’s.

Version is : 3.3.5a

ParentCategoryID is the CategoryID of the Parent. IE: 155 is the Category for World Events. 162 is the CategoryID for Brewfest and has a parent CategoryID of 155 indicating that it is also a "World Event."


CategoryID ParentCategoryID Name
1 4294967295 (None?) Statistics
21 1 Player vs. Player
81 4294967295 (None?) Feats of Strength
92 4294967295 (None?) General
95 4294967295 (None?) Player vs. Player
96 4294967295 (None?) Quests
97 4294967295 (None?) Exploration
122 1 (Statistics) Deaths
123 122 (Deaths) Arenas
124 122 (Deaths) Battlegrounds
125 122 (Deaths) Dungeons
126 122 (Deaths) World
127 122 (Deaths) Resurrection
128 1 (Statistics) Kills
130 1 (Statistics) Character
131 1 (Statistics) Social
132 1 (Statistics) Skills
133 1 (Statistics) Quests
134 1 (Statistics) Travel
135 128 (Kills) Creatures
136 128 (Kills) Honorable Kills
137 128 (Kills) Killing Blows
140 130 (Character) Wealth
141 1 (Statistics) Combat
145 130 (Character) Consumables
147 130 (Character) Reputation
148 131 (Social) Friends
149 131 (Social) Groups
151 131 (Social) Communication
152 21 (PvP) Rated Arenas
153 21 (PvP) Battlegrounds
154 21 (PvP) World
155 4294967295 (None?) World Events
156 155 (World Events) Winter Veil
157 155 (World Events) Darkmoon Faire
158 155 (World Events) Hallow’s End
159 155 (World Events) Novlegarden
160 155 (World Events) Lunar Festival
161 155 (World Events) Midsummer
162 155 (World Events) Brewfest
163 155 (World Events) Children’s Week
165 95 (PvP) Arena
168 4294967295 (None?) Dungeons & Raids
169 4294967295 (None?) Professions
170 169 (Professions) Cooking
171 169 (Professions) Fishing
172 169 (Professions) First Aid
173 132 (Skills) Professions
178 132 (Skills) Secondary Skills
187 155 (World Events) Love is in the Air
191 130 (Character) Gear
201 4294967295 (None?) Reputation
14777 97 (Exploration) Eastern Kingdoms
14778 97 (Exploration) Kalimdor
14779 97 (Exploration) Outland
14780 97 (Exploration) Northrend
14801 95 (PvP) Alterac Valley
14802 95 (PvP) Arathi Basin
14803 95 (PvP) Eye of the Storm
14804 95 (PvP) Warsong Gulch
14805 168 (Dungeons & Raids) The Burning Crusade
14806 168 (Dungeons & Raids) Lich King Dungeon
14807 1 (Statistics) Dungeons & Raids
14808 168 (Dungeons & Raids) Classic
14821 14807 (Dungeons & Raids) Classic
14822 14807 (Dungeons & Raids) The Burning Crusade
14823 14807 (Dungeons & Raids) Wrath of the Lich King
14861 96 (Quests) Classic
14862 96 (Quests) The Burning Crusade
14863 96 (Quests) Wrath of the Lich King
14864 201 (Reputation) Classic
14865 201 (Reputation) The Burning Crusade
14866 201 (Reputation) Wrath of the Lich King
14881 95 (PvP) Strand of the Ancients
14901 95 (PvP) Wintergrasp
14921 168 (Dungeons & Raids) Lich King Heroic
14922 168 (Dungeons & Raids) Lich King Raid
14923 168 (Dungeons & Raids) Lich King Heroic Raid
14941 155 (World Events) Argent Tournament
14961 168 (Dungeons & Raids) Secrets of Ulduar Raid
14962 168 (Dungeons & Raids) Secrets of Ulduar Heroic Raid
14963 14807 (Dungeons & Raids) Secrets of Ulduar
14981 155 (World Events) Pilgrim’s Bounty
15001 168 (Dungeons & Raids) Call of the Crusade 10-Player Raid
15002 168 (Dungeons & Raids) Call of the Crusade 25-Player Raid
15003 95 (PvP) Isle of Conquest
15021 14807 (Dungeons & Raids) Call of the Crusade
15041 168 (Dungeons & Raids) Fall of the Lich King 10-Player Raid
15042 168 (Dungeons & Raids) Fall of the Lich King 25-Player Raid
15062 14807 (Dungeons & Raids) Fall of the Lich King
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