Data analysis toolbox for Multi-electrode patch clamp recordings. It is designed to supports both online and offline analysis by using shared libraries and data structure.
> openCurator()
%% Create the analysis project
% --------------------------------------------
[project, offlineAnalysisManager] = createAnalysisProject('Example-Analysis_01',...
'experiments', {'101217Dc*Amp2'},...
'override', true);
% open the project file
%% Create a simple search tree definition
% --------------------------------------------
analysisFilter = struct();
analysisFilter.type = 'LightStepAnalysis';
analysisFilter.buildTreeBy = {'displayName', 'intensity', 'stimTime'};
analysisFilter.displayName.splitValue = {'Light Step'};
analysisFilter.stimTime.featureExtractor = {@(analysis, epochGroup, analysisParameter)...
%% Build the tree based on the tree definition
% --------------------------------------------
buildAnalysis('Example-Analysis_01', analysisFilter)
> openTreeBrowser('Example-Analysis_01')
- Introduction
- Getting Started
- Parsing your data
- Building analysis pipeline
- Visualizing your results
- Dependency
- The core analysis framework lives in sa-labs-analysis-core and facilitates the data storage and sharing.
- The common analysis functions will be in sa-labs-util
- The master configuration for managing cell class, cell types, etc are present in sa-labs-analysis-preference
- It follows maven style source code organization
- All the dependency will be present in toolbox folder
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2017 Schwartz-AlaLaurila-Labs