Execute the following command to download and start the shell script:
bash <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Schwimo/linux_config/master/scripts/setup_linux_env.bash)
This will execute the following steps:
- Check if vscode is installed and install accordingly
- Install git
- Setup bash-it; nice theme for the terminal
- Adapt the .bashrc in your home directory
- Add tmux
- Basic git setup (username, mail)
Execute the following command to download and start the shell script:
bash <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Schwimo/linux_config/master/scripts/setup_ros.bash)
This will execute the following steps:
- Check if ROS is already installed
- Check Ubuntu Version
- On 18.04 install ROS melodic
- On 20.04 install ROS noetic
- Install other ROS tools like the webbridge
- Source your ROS distro