TODO: short project description, some sample screenshots or mockups
Devit is a community platform focused on facilitating connections between developers, desginers and innovators. The platform aims at forming teams to help budding designers and engineers gain project experience as well as to help innovators' ideas come to life. The platform consists of a Project page where users are able to post project ideas as well as join onto exisiting projects. Devit also provides a platform for users to keep track of their projects and earn badges as they make more progress.
TODO: descriptions of code organization and tools and libraries used
Purpose | Library | Comments |
Routing | React Router, React Router DOM | Enables serving up different components based on our own static/dynamic routes |
State Management | Redux, React Redux | Provides subscription-based state and helps avoid prop-drilling |
Data Fetching | Axios | Straightforward syntax for fetching data over HTTP |
Asynchronous Stat Updates | Redux Thunk | ⚡️ Supercharges Redux store so it can handle functions, enabling state updates with asynchronous data |
TODO: how to get the project dev environment up and running, npm install etc
- Clone Project
- Run
npm i
to install project dependencies - Run
npm start
to start the project athttp://localhost:8080
TODO: how to deploy the project
DevIt is hosted on Netlify using continuous deployment on the master
The DevIt API is hosted on Netlify using continuous deployment on the master
branch of the DevIt API repository.