This is a repository to store dotfiles and install scripts for my Linux configurations on Fedora and Debian.
Dotfile and config installation assumes the presence of ~/github/dotfiles-config, therefore run in order:
# Clone repository
git clone ~/github/dotfiles-config
# Change directory
cd ~/github/dotfiles-config
# Step 1: Install config
./ # Installs dotfiles and config
# Step 2: Install and update packages
./ # for Debian; installs preferred .deb, R and Python packages
./ # for Fedora; installs preferred .rpm, R and Python packages
# Step 3: Clone all other Github repos
./ # clones my personal repositories
- The R install script overwrites the .Renviron file with a set library path without the user being prompted; this is by design to ensure a clean .Renviron file when setting up a new system
- Many R packages require compilation due to C++ components, which can take several hours on weaker machines
- .gitconfig (global) contains sensitive information and should be transferred between machines via secure means.
- .git-credentials stores personal access token (PAT) in plaintext and should not be used; prefer encrypted local storage options
- .Renviron stores R environment variables and should not be committed to git; part of .gitignore