A Blogging platform built with Node.js and Express.
These instructions will get your clone of Bloggerly up and running on your local machine for development.
Restore npm packages
cd <path to bloggerly clone>/src
npm install
Start Bloggerly
npm start
Update the connection string to mongodb in dev-data.js
to mongodb://localhost:27017/bloggerly
Navigate to localhost:5000 in your browser. You can use the generate posts tool in the admin dashboard to populate the app with mock posts.
Download and install docker and docker-compose
Build the image and start container docker-compose up --build
directory has been setup as a bind mount. You can edit the html views without rebuilding/restarting the container.
Once finished you can run docker-compose down
to remove the running containers and network. To include volumes in the removal run docker-compose down -v
Navigate to localhost:5000 in your browser.
You can use the Generate Posts tool in the admin dashboard to populate the app with mock posts.
- bcryptjs
- body-parser
- connect-flash
- express
- express-fileupload
- express-handlebars
- express-session
- faker
- method-override
- moment
- mongoose
- mongoose-url-slugs
- passport
- passport-local
- Sean O'Loughlin - SeanoNET
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details