This repo is intended to extend the resources publicly provided by the Spanish Health Ministry and other Regional Health Agencies in Spain.
We have put together 11 datasets for the different Autonomous Communinites in Spain at different administrative levels.
Unfortunately, mantaining up to date data for the province level is extremelly hard and time consuming. We don't have the resources to mantain all of these datasets. If you want to collaborate and help out, get in touch with us.
CCAA-SerieHistorica - Aggregated by and downloaded from
CCAA-DatosCasos - previous dataset, Enriched with IDs and GeoData by Autonomous Autonomy, plus daily changes (calculated)
CCAA-CapacidadHospitalaria - Data retieved and digitized from
ES-AN-DatosCasos - Provinces of Andalucía - Agregated by
ES-AR-DatosCasos - Provinces of Aragón - Agregated by
ES-AS-DatosCasos - Provinces of Principado de Asturias - Aggregated by
ES-CB-DatosCasos - Provinces of Cantabria - Aggregated by
ES-CL-DatosCasos - Provinces of Catilla y León - Aggrgated by
ES-CM-DatosCasos - Provinces of Catilla La Mancha - Aggrgated by
ES-EX-DatosCasos - Provinces of Extremadura - Agregated by
ES-CV-DatosCasos - Provinces of Comunidad Valenciana - Aggregated by
In addition to the datasets, we have stored all the official repots from the Ministry we have used to build the datasets.
Unfortunately reports are hard to retrieve, and data is usually hardcoded in prss notes. This isse becomes the raison-d'etre of this project.
We have digitized and organized reports and data, in order to make analysis by third parties easier and faster, as we believe that speed is paramount.
There might be some differences between the reported data and the dataset we have assembled. We have been correcting issues when wsa factual mistakes in the reporting. Unfortunatelly, We gouldn´t fill all the gaps.
This project is a WIP. Structure might change over time.
The repo is structured by the format of the files supporting the data.
|- datos-ccaa-csv
|- datos-ccaa-json
|- informes-ministerio-salud
|- informes-ISCIII
|- informesMoMo
File Naming Convention: covid-19-Country-RegionalDivision-Category
- Country: GeoId - ES for Spain
- Regional Division - ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
- Category
Aggregated at the Autonomous Comunity Level: CCAA $codigo_iso_ccaa
CCAA | nombreCcaa | codigoIsoCcaa |
Andalucía | Andalucía | ES-AN |
Aragón | Aragón | ES-AR |
Asturias | Asturias | ES-AS |
Illes Balears | Baleares | ES-IB |
Canarias | Canarias | ES-CN |
Catabria | Cantabria | ES-CB |
Castilla - La Mancha | Castilla-La Mancha | ES-CM |
Castilla y León | Castilla y León | ES-CL |
Catalunya | Cataluña | ES-CT |
Ceuta | Ceuta | ES-CE |
Comunitat Valenciana | Comunidad Valenciana | ES-CT |
Extremadura | Extremadura | ES-EX |
Galicia | Galicia | ES-GA |
Comunidad de Madrid | Madrid | ES-MA |
Melilla | Melilla | ES-ML |
Murcia, Region de | Murcia | ES-MC |
Nafaroa | Navarra | ES-NC |
Euskadi | Pais Vasco | ES-PV |
La Rioja | La Rioja | ES-RI |
Aggegated at the Province level
Table to be created. Visit The API page of for a complete table.
file: covid-19-ES-CCAA-DatosCasos.csv
nombre clave | Descripcion | Description | data source |
fecha |
fecha informe | report date | ISO 8601 |
codigoIso_Pais |
codigo GeoId / ISO | country name | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 |
nombrePais |
nombre del pais | country name | |
codigoIso_Ccaa |
Codigo INE de la CCAA | Autonomous Community ISO Code | ISO_3166-2:ES |
codigoIneCcaa |
Codigo INE de la CCAA | Autonomous Community INE Code | INE |
nombreCcaa |
Nombre de la CCAA | Autonomous Community Name | |
casosConfirmados |
Infectados acumulado | Infected cumulative |, |
casosHospitalizados |
hospitalizados acumulativo | hospitalized cumulative | |
casosUCI |
pacientes en UCI acumulado | Intensive Care cumulative | |
casosFallecidos |
Defunciones acumulado | Deaths cumulative |, |
casosRecuperados |
Recuperados acumulado | Recovered cumulative | |
casosConfirmadosDiario |
Nuevos casos infectados | New infected | (1) |
casosHospitalizadosDiario |
Nuevos ingresos hospitalarios | New hospitalized | (2) |
casosUCIDiario |
Nuevos casos UCI | New intensive care | (3) |
casosFallecidosDiario |
Nuevos fallecidos diario | New deaths | (4) |
new infected cases are calculated. The formula used is: casosConfirmados(t) - casosConfirmados (t-1)
new hospitalized cases are calculated. The formula used is: casosHospitalizados (t) - casosHospitalizados(t-1)
new intensive cases are calculated. The formula used is: casosUCI (t) - casosUCI(t-1)
new death cases are calculated. The formula used is: casosFallecidos (t) - casosFallecidos(t-1)
Relevant Info about the data published by the Ministry
is a subset of casosHospitalizados
is not the result of adding casosHospitalizados
and casosRecuperados
. These stauses are not mutually exclusive
- Regarding the series of
, some CCAA are providing prevalence data, while others are providing absolute agregatted data, and the Health ministry is passing along these differnt criteria in the same series.
file: covid-19-ES-AN-DatosCasos.csv file covid-19-ES-AR-DatosCasos.csv file covid-19-ES-AS-DatosCasos.csv file covid-19-ES-CB-DatosCasos.csv file covid-19-ES-CL-DatosCasos.csv file covid-19-ES-CM-DatosCasos.csv file covid-19-ES-CV-DatosCasos.csv file covid-19-ES-EX-DatosCasos.csv
DOCUMENTATION IN PROGRESS Structure to be documented, but it is quite similar to the previous one.
file: covid-19-ES-CCAA-CapacidadHospitalaria.csv
file: covid-19-ES-CCAA-CapacidadHospitalaria.json
nombre clave | Descripcion | Description | Source |
nombrePais |
nombre del pais | country name | |
codigoPais |
codigo GeoId | country ID | ISO 8601 |
nombreCcaa |
Nombre de la CCAA | Autonomous Community Name | |
codigoCcaa |
Codigo INE de la CCAA | Autonomous Community Code | INE |
numeroHospitales |
Hospitales por CCAA | Number of hospitals by Autonomous Community | (1) |
camasHospitalarias |
Camas hospitalarias por CCAA | Number of hospital beds | |
camasAgregadas |
camas añadidas al sistema | Aditional hospital beds added | N/A |
(1) Data updated by source on 13/12/2018 (2)The parameter camas_agregadas is a placeholder for the extra capacity being added to the system - hotels, campaign hospitals,...
Same resources in different output form
We have added al the reports we have retreived form the official website of the Spanish Health Ministry. These files have different naming structures and the data presented is not homogeneus.
The whole set of URLs from which reports were downloaded can be found here.
All the data can be donloaded and used for free. It would be nice if you just mention us, and spread the word.
You can contact us at