This is a PowerShell module that conforms to the logger API used by Invoke-AtomicRedTeam and generates ATTiRe logs that can be imported into VECTR.
More information on the ATTiRe format and how to import logs into VECTR is available here:
To use the ATTiRe logger, first you must:
- Import Invoke-AtomicRedTeam
- Import Attire-ExecutionLogger
- Run Invoke-AtomicTest and pass in the ATTiRe logger as an argument
The example below runs Invoke-AtomicTest and generates an ATTiRe log for the T1087.001 test cases.
Import-Module ".\Invoke-AtomicRedTeam.psd1" -Force
Import-Module ".\Loggers\Attire-ExecutionLogger.psm1" -Force
Invoke-AtomicTest T1087.001 -LoggingModule "Attire-ExecutionLogger" -ExecutionLogPath "./attireLog.json"