Those are test sets for loot generation in Minecraft. For every version, all the loot table are generated for a random set of seeds. We provide also variation of such loot sets with different luck.
Test are organized in branch, you can checkout each branch with
format v<version>
, you can also checkout main to get a sample of
Five different types of sets are provided:
- Small test set, it contains 1_000 random seeds.
- Small test set with luck, it contains 10 seeds with 200 variations of lucks for each.
- Large test set, it contains 100_000 random seeds, the small test set is included.
- Large test set with luck, it contains 100 random seeds with 2000 variation of lucks for each, this makes it a 2_000_000 test set, it contains the small test set fully.
- A fully random set to validate everything, contains 5_000_000 seeds and luck variation, those are completly independant from the previous sets, this can be used to validate everything.
- 1.14
JsonArray root = new JsonArray();
int max = 100;
float maxLuck = 100.0F;
boolean doLuck = true;
boolean pretty = max < 2000 ? true : false;
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
if ((i % (max / 100)) == 0) {
System.out.println("Progress " + i / (max / 100.0));
for (float luck = -maxLuck; luck < maxLuck; luck += 0.1F) {
final float currentLuck = luck;
long seed = new Random(i).nextLong();
Supplier<LootContext> lootContext = () -> {
LootContext.Builder builder = new LootContext.Builder(null).withSeed(seed);
if (doLuck) {
builder = builder.withLuck(currentLuck);
return LootParameterSet.Builder().build());
JsonObject current = new JsonObject();
current.addProperty("seed", seed);
if (doLuck) {
current.addProperty("luck", luck);
JsonObject array = new JsonObject();
Function<ItemStack, JsonElement> stackToJSON = loot -> {
JsonObject lootJson = new JsonObject();
lootJson.addProperty("count", loot.getCount());
lootJson.addProperty("item", loot.getItem().toString());
JsonArray enchantments = new JsonArray();
loot.getEnchantmentTagList().forEach(x -> {
JsonObject enchJson = new JsonObject();
enchJson.addProperty("id", ((CompoundNBT) x).get("id").getString());
enchJson.addProperty("lvl", ((ShortNBT) ((CompoundNBT) x).get("lvl")).getInt());
lootJson.add("enchantments", enchantments);
return lootJson;
new ChestLootTables().accept((x, y) -> {
JsonArray loots = new JsonArray();;
array.add(x.getPath(), loots);
new FishingLootTables().accept((x, y) -> {
JsonArray loots = new JsonArray();;
array.add(x.getPath(), loots);
current.add("loots", array);
if (!doLuck) {
Gson gson = (pretty ? new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting() : new GsonBuilder()).create();
FileWriter file = new FileWriter("./1.14.json");
gson.toJson(root, file);