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Making an addon

Sms_Gamer edited this page Apr 27, 2021 · 3 revisions

Making an addon

Have the base as a dependency.

Make the main class extend uwu.smsgamer.serverscripter.ScriptAddon.

In public void loadDependencies(DependencyBuilder builder), you can load your dependencies at runtime. It just downloads the dependency to be loaded just before the load method gets called. For example:

builder.addDependency(new Dependency(Repository.MAVENCENTRAL,

Do whatever you need to do during the load, enable, disable, and reload phases. They're self-explanatory.

In the constructor, you must set to your addon's name and this.version to your addon's version.

Note: I will make this a super(name, version); eventually (probably release 0.2).

Make a file in the resources called scripter.json with the contents:

  "main": "uwu.smsgamer.serverscripter.python.PythonScriptAddon"

the "main" key obviously linking to the main class of your addon.

That's it! If you want to know about implementing a scripting language, look here

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