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Making an addon

Sms_Gamer edited this page Apr 27, 2021 · 3 revisions

Making an addon

Have the base as a dependency.

Make the main class extend uwu.smsgamer.serverscripter.ScriptAddon.

In public void loadDependencies(DependencyBuilder builder), you can load your dependencies. For example:

builder.addDependency(new Dependency(Repository.MAVENCENTRAL,

Do whatever you need to do during the load, enable, disable, and reload phases. They're self-explanatory.

In the constructor, you must set to your addon's name and this.version to your addon's verison.

Note: I will make this a super(name, version); eventually (probably release 0.2).

Make a file in the resources called scripter.json with the contents:

  "main": "uwu.smsgamer.serverscripter.python.PythonScriptAddon"

the "main" key obviously linking to the main class of your addon.

That's it! If you want to know about implementing a scripting language, look here

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