prev project - instagram clone
- Vue 3
- Typescript
- Quasar
- Wavesurfer
- MusicTempo
- other - date-fns, some lodash functions, eslint + tslint + prettier
❌ === not implemented yet
✨ === TODO idea. it seems that it won't be implemented but there were some plans
- Select region to export
- Change export and browser volume
- Change bitrate ✨
- Change speed
- Hotkeys to stop/pause, move current time with arrows
- Waveform
- Equalizer
- Equalizer spectrum ✨
- Detect BPM with music-tempo
- Change detected BPM when we're changing song speed
- Detect and visualize beats ✨
- Snap to nearest beat when selecting export region ✨
- Export cropped audio to mp3 format with selected settings. lamejs issue ❌
- Export to wav ✨
- Google analytics
- Sentry - error monitoring and logging for both frontend and backend
- Clone project
- "yarn global add @quasar/cli" and "cd .\frontend" and "quasar dev"
- star? 🤩😊 anyway, glad to any PRs
- 1-month pet-project from 1st to 31st of april. probably LOL
upd: haha..