August 2022
Here are the changes what we have done:
- We have reworked the
Copy to
function. You can copy the selected content in to the same folder by pressing the submit button. #1406 - We added a
CopyPath button
at the end ofBreadcrumb
. Now you can copy the current folder path with this button. #1402
Bug fixes
- Save all content if the page has one or more richtext field #1394
- You can upload a file on Edit page to Binary field even if the field name is not Binary. #1396
- Show identity path in tooltip #1401
- You can add folder name with parenthesis. eg:
Fruits (1)
#1395 - Now show unsaved alert when there's no change in the file. #1403
- File upload dialog don't skips new files instead of only existing ones. #1422
We upgraded lots of dependencies. #1424
The most important upgrades
- typescript 4.3.5 -> 4.7.4
- cypress 7.5.0 -> 10.4.0
- prettier 2.3.2 -> 2.7.1
- material-ui/icons 4.11.2 -> 4.11.3
Dependency upgrade
We upgraded lots of Sensenet package of dependencies:
- gatsby-source-sensenet@0.1.2
- sn-authentication-jwt@1.1.3
- sn-client-auth-google@2.1.3
- sn-client-core@4.0.2
- sn-client-utils@2.1.3
- sn-control-mapper@3.1.3
- sn-controls-react@8.0.3
- sn-document-viewer-react@4.2.2
- sn-editor-react@0.3.2
- sn-hooks-react@1.6.3
- sn-pickers-react@2.1.3
- sn-query@2.1.3
- sn-redux@5.7.3
- sn-repository-events@2.1.3
- sn-search-react@2.1.4
And we upgraded some example app dependencies as well:
- sn-dms-demo@3.7.6
- sn-react-browser@2.4.2
- sn-react-calendar@2.3.4
- sn-react-component-docs@3.1.6
- sn-react-imagegallery@2.3.2
- sn-react-memoapp@2.3.2
- sn-react-tasklist@2.3.2
- sn-react-typescript-boilerplate@2.1.4
- sn-react-usersearch@2.3.4
See you next month! 🎆