Sound Event Recognition-based Vigilance for Alerting and Localization
This is the firtst release of the codebase to be used in the OpenEars sound sensor. With this code you can train a new model and build a classifier with custom classes to listen to.
See the notebooks for more details.
We use this now
Old original EARS project for setup details.
We use docker images on a GPU enabled host machine.
docker run --gpus all -it -p 8888:8888 -v /home/hugo/data/git/serval:/tf/serval tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-gpu-py3-jupyter
docker run --gpus all -it -p 8888:8888 -v /home/hugo/data/git/serval:/tf/serval tensorflow/tensorflow:1.15.2-gpu-py3-jupyter
We are using the latest tensorflow version 1.15.2 , so we do NOT use tensorflow 2.x yet.
please vistit our website sensingclues/serval for a description of the real-life application.
To train classification model next resources have been used:
[Google AudioSet](
[YouTube-8M model](
[Tensorflow vggish model](
[Original Device hive blog](
[Igor's Youtube8M startercode](
You can try to train model with more steps/samples to get more accuracy.
Copyright for portions of project SERVAL are held by 2017 Karol J. Piczak as part of project EARS. All other copyright for project SERVAL are held by Sensing Clues 2017.
GPL-3.0 © Sensing Clues 2017
This notebook enumerates all custom (non-youtube) wav samples from the "wav_samples_custom" folder. The output is a list of all the custom wav samples in the "wav_samples_custom" folder and their class / label information as provided in the "wav_samples_custom_labels.csv" file
input_wav_samples_folder = serval_data_folder + "/wav_samples_custom" wav_samples_custom_labels_csv = input_wav_samples_folder + "/wav_samples_custom_labels.csv"
target_wav_samples_custom_all_enumerated_csv = serval_data_folder + "/wav_samples_custom/wav_samples_custom_all_enumerated_and_labeled.csv"
This notebook enumerates all youtube provided wav samples from the "wav_samples_youtube" folder. The output is a list of all the youtube wav samples in the "wav_samples_youtube" folder and their class / label information as provided in the "balanced_train_segments.csv", "eval_segments.csv" and "unbalanced_train_segments.csv" files
youtube_wav_samples_directory = serval_data_folder + "/wav_samples_youtube"
youtube_class_labels_filepath = serval_data_folder + "/csv_files/class_labels_indices.csv"
youtube_wav_balanced_train_class_labels_filepath = youtube_wav_samples_directory + "/balanced_train_segments.csv" youtube_wav_balanced_eval_class_labels_filepath = youtube_wav_samples_directory + "/eval_segments.csv" youtube_wav_unbalanced_train_class_labels_filepath = youtube_wav_samples_directory + "/unbalanced_train_segments.csv"
youtube_wav_balanced_train_sample_directory = youtube_wav_samples_directory + "/bal" youtube_wav_balanced_eval_sample_directory = youtube_wav_samples_directory + "/eval" youtube_wav_unbalanced_train_sample_directory = youtube_wav_samples_directory + "/unbal"
target_balanced_wav_samples_enumerated_filepath = serval_data_folder + "/csv_files/wav_samples_youtube_balanced_all_enumerated_and_labeled.csv" target_unbalanced_wav_samples_enumerated_filepath = serval_data_folder + "/csv_files/wav_samples_youtube_unbalanced_all_enumerated_and_labeled.csv" target_eval_wav_samples_enumerated_filepath = serval_data_folder + "/csv_files/wav_samples_youtube_eval_all_enumerated_and_labeled.csv"
This notebook enumerates selects the wav samples from the complete pool of wav samples. The samples you select here will be available for your project. Later on you can select the exact labels / classes that you would like to use to build your model with. From now on all projects files will be stored in the project directory. Selected classes (labels) are stored in the "input_selected_wav_samples.csv" file in your project directory.
Project directory: project_name = 'Amsterdam_custom_samples'
Set your serval data folder (should be correctly set already): serval_data_folder = "../data" project_data_folder = serval_data_folder + '/' + project_name
input_balanced_wav_samples_enumerated_filepath = serval_data_folder + "/csv_files/wav_samples_youtube_balanced_all_enumerated_and_labeled.csv" input_unbalanced_wav_samples_enumerated_filepath = serval_data_folder + "/csv_files/wav_samples_youtube_unbalanced_all_enumerated_and_labeled.csv" input_eval_wav_samples_enumerated_filepath = serval_data_folder + "/csv_files/wav_samples_youtube_eval_all_enumerated_and_labeled.csv" input_custom_wav_samples_enumerated_filepath = serval_data_folder + "/wav_samples_custom/wav_samples_custom_all_enumerated_and_labeled.csv"
input_selected_classes_filepath = project_data_folder + '/csv_files/input_selected_wav_samples.csv' target_selected_classes_filepath = project_data_folder + '/csv_files/output_selected_wav_samples.csv'
This notebook re-samples the selected wav samples to have a distance of 6 db, 12 db and 18 db distance. This is done by reducing the volume. Note: In this step we also discard samples that are deemed to be to short (less than 9.5 seconds in length). The resampled wav files are stored in the "wav_samples" directory inside your project directory.
During the resampeling process we also create a train and test (eval) set.
input_selected_wav_samples_filepath = project_data_folder + "/csv_files/output_selected_wav_samples.csv" target_resampled_wav_samples = project_data_folder + "/csv_files/output_resampled_wav_samples.csv" target_intermediate_resampled_wav_samples = project_data_folder + "/csv_files/intermediate_output_resampled_wav_samples.csv"
target_resampled_wav_folder = project_data_folder + "/wav_samples"
This notebook combines two wav files as defined by the "input_wav_samples_to_combine.csv" file. The output of this notebook is written back to the "output_resampled_wav_samples.csv". Note: Running this notebook multiple times will enlarge the "output_resampled_wav_samples.csv" file that is used for the next step. To be sure you can always take a step back we have added a backup routine that will store the original "output_resampled_wav_samples.csv" with a timestamp.
input_wav_samples_to_combine_filepath = project_data_folder + "/csv_files/input_wav_samples_to_combine.csv"
target_resampled_wav_samples = project_data_folder + "/csv_files/output_resampled_wav_samples.csv" target_resampled_wav_samples_backup = project_data_folder + "/csv_files/output_resampled_wav_samples_backup_" +'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') + '.csv' target_resampled_wav_folder = project_data_folder + "/wav_samples"
This notebook converts all available wav files to tfrecords. The input is the "output_resampled_wav_samples.csv" file which contains all available wav files. The output is stored in the tfrecords directory.
input_wav_sample_filepath = project_data_folder + '/csv_files/output_resampled_wav_samples.csv'
target_tfrecord_folder = project_data_folder + '/tfrecords_all'
This notebook combines two wav files as defined by the "input_wav_samples_to_combine.csv" file. The output of this notebook is written back to the "output_resampled_wav_samples.csv". Note: Running this notebook multiple times will enlarge the "output_resampled_wav_samples.csv" file that is used for the next step. To be sure you can always take a step back we have added a backup routine that will store the original "output_resampled_wav_samples.csv" with a timestamp.
input_wav_samples_to_combine_filepath = project_data_folder + "/csv_files/input_wav_samples_to_combine.csv"
target_resampled_wav_samples = project_data_folder + "/csv_files/output_resampled_wav_samples.csv" target_resampled_wav_samples_backup = project_data_folder + "/csv_files/output_resampled_wav_samples_backup_" +'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') + '.csv' target_resampled_wav_folder = project_data_folder + "/wav_samples"
This notebook uses the "input_selected_classes.csv" file to select and re-label the chosen classes / labels. This csv file defines exactly which classes to use, what proportion to keep, what to oversample for both train and eval sets. Once this step is completely you will have multiple tfrecords that are randomly permutated. The output with exact number of selected samples will be stored in the "output_class_mapping.csv" file.
input_selected_classes_filepath = serval_data_folder + '/' + custom_data_folder + '/csv_files/input_selected_classes.csv'
tfrecords_train_search_string = serval_data_folder + '/' + custom_data_folder + '/tfrecords_all/train_.tfrecord' tfrecords_eval_search_string = serval_data_folder + '/' + custom_data_folder + '/tfrecords_all/eval_.tfrecord'
output_class_mapping_filepath = serval_data_folder + '/' + custom_data_folder + '/csv_files/output_class_mapping.csv' output_tfrecords_train_path = serval_data_folder + '/' + custom_data_folder + '/tfrecords_model_input/train' output_tfrecords_eval_path = serval_data_folder + '/' + custom_data_folder + '/tfrecords_model_input/eval'
This notebook trains the neural network based on the available training samples in the '/tfrecords_model_input/train' directory. The output is the actual model.
tdp = serval_data_folder + '/' + custom_data_folder + '/tfrecords_model_input/train'
tmd = serval_data_folder + '/' + custom_data_folder + '/model_output'
This notebook evaluates the neural network based on the available evaluation samples in the '/tfrecords_model_input/eval' directory. The output is the resulting classification per evaluation sample.
edp = serval_data_folder + '/' + custom_data_folder + '/tfrecords_model_input/eval' class_map = serval_data_folder + '/' + custom_data_folder + "/csv_files/output_class_mapping.csv"
tmd = serval_data_folder + '/' + custom_data_folder + '/model_output' tmdl = tmd + "/eval_log" evaluation_results_csv = serval_data_folder + '/' + custom_data_folder + "/csv_files/output_serval_evaluation.csv"
This notebook interprets the evaluation of the neural network from the previous step.
class_map = serval_data_folder + '/' + custom_data_folder + "/csv_files/output_class_mapping.csv"
er_csv = serval_data_folder + '/' + custom_data_folder + "/csv_files/output_serval_evaluation.csv"