Hi All, Here you can find scripts for installing services like Apache, Postfix, FTP on Linux OS (specially designed for Debian 8.X)
addLinuxToSamba: For clients, especially those with a Linux graphical interface, this script adds a Linux client to the sambaPDC domain. Requirements: Clean Linux machine in NAT, and having an internal DHCP server (PDC).
addProxyToLinux: Configures the proxy on a Linux/Debian client, so that it remains as system configuration. Requirements: Linux OS machine without UI.
addServersToBind: Used to add the IP addresses of your static servers to DNS records (forward and reverse zones) in the db files. Various types of servers are included. Requirements: Execute it on a DNS server.
addSNMPtoLinux: Script to configure an SNMP client for monitoring. Requirements: Debian machine (With or Without Interface), Ubuntu Server 14. NAT network adapter.
apache: Handles the entire installation and configuration of the Apache server. Includes: SSL, User Authentication.
bacula.sh: Installs and configures the Bacula service. Requirements: Clean Debian machine, NAT on adapter 1. Note: Local copies are stored in "/copies".
cacti: Installs and configures the Cacti monitoring service. Requirements: Clean Ubuntu Server 14 machine, NAT or Bridged network adapter. See Nagios info in the Security/MonitoringManagement folder.
dnsdhcp: Configures DNS/DHCP. Requirements: Clean machine.
dhcp: Installs and configures only the DHCP service (without DNS). Requirements: Clean machine, must have a separate DNS server already created.
interfaceConf: Saves time by editing the /etc/network/interfaces file to switch between DHCP or Static for the network card.
ldapclient: Configures a Linux client to use the LDAP service. Requirements: 1. LDAP server already created. 2. Execute it on a clean Linux client.
ldapserver: Installs and configures the LDAP server. Requirements: Clean Debian machine, Adapter 1 in NAT.
mirrors: Updates the /etc/apt/sources.list file to refresh the Debian mirrors.
mount: Script to mount USB devices (FAT32, NTFS, EXFAT).
mountShareWin: Works to mount a shared Windows folder on a Linux client (UI).
nagioSQL: Installs and configures the Nagios monitoring server. See Nagios info in the Security/MonitoringManagement folder.
nisClient: Configures a Linux client to use the NIS server. Requirements: 1. NIS server already created. 2. Execute it on a Linux client.
nisServer: Installs and configures the NIS server.
ocsServer: Installs and configures the OCS Inventory server. See Nagios info in the Security/MonitoringManagement folder.
ossecServer: Installs and configures the OSSEC alert server. Requirements: Clean Ubuntu Server 16.04 machine, NAT network adapter.
ossecAgent: Installs and configures an agent for monitoring with OSSEC. Requirements: Ubuntu Server or Desktop 14, Debian 8, NAT or Bridged network adapter.
postfixBasico: Installs and configures the basic mail server, WITHOUT SSL. (This script complements postfixSSL).
postfixSSL: Adds SSL authentication to the mail. Requirements: 1. Basic mail configuration installed and configured (WITHOUT SSL or CLAMAV).
postfixClamav: Under testing. Does not work.
postfix: Installs and configures the mail server, with the option to add SSL authentication. Does NOT include Clamav/antivirus. Handles the entire installation in one go.
prelude: Script to install the Prelude alert server, Prelude-lml sensors, and Suricata. Requirements: Clean Ubuntu Server 14.04 machine, NAT or Bridged network adapter (Preferably Bridged). See info in the Security/Firewalls folder.
proFTPD: Installs and configures a proFTPD server. Requirements: Debian machine, NAT network adapter.
proxy: Installs and configures the proxy server, with options to add user authentication, ACLs, Clamav. It's an all-in-one script. Requirements: Machine with 2 network interfaces. 1-NAT, 2-Internal Network.
proxyMenu: Displays a menu for proxy installation. If you have already executed proxy.sh and missed any options (Authentication, ACL, Clamav), you can add that missing feature with this script, avoiding re-execution of proxy.sh and potential errors. Requirements: Same as proxy.sh.
proxyTrans: Installs and configures the proxy in transparent mode. Includes an option to add ACLs. Requirements are the same as proxy.sh.
sambaPDC: Installs and configures the Samba server, but only up to the step before restarting (see MontiManual). Verification after the restart must be done manually, as well as adding users. Requirements: Clean machine.
sambaFINALPDC: Fully installs and configures the Samba server, including a post-restart verification script. Option to add users to the PDC. Requirements: Clean machine. IMPORTANT: After the restart, /etc/init.d/sambaScript.sh must be executed to continue with the verification.
sambaServer: Installs and configures a Samba server, only works for sharing folders with Windows.
snmp: Installs and configures the SNMP service on Linux, to make it server-manageable. See SNMP Instructions file for more details. Requirements: Clean Ubuntu Server 16 or 14 machine (without graphical interface), NAT, 1 adapter.
snort_scripts: Scripts to install a Snort server for intrusion detection. (BETA) Requirements: Clean Ubuntu Server 16 machine, NAT or Bridged network adapter.
ulteoAllOne: Script to install the Ulteo server and Ulteo app server in one go. Requirements: Clean Ubuntu Server (14.04) machine, NAT on adapter 1.
ulteoserver.sh: Run on the machine that will be the main Ulteo server. Requirements: Clean Ubuntu Server (14.04) machine, NAT on adapter 1.
ulteoappserver.sh: Run on the machine that will be the application server. Requirements: Clean Ubuntu Server (14.04) machine, NAT on adapter 1.
vpn: Installs and configures the VPN server. Requirements: Machine with 2 network interfaces. 1-VPN, 2-Internal.
webhosting: Installs and configures the web hosting server (similar to apache.sh), to access the website directory via SFTP.
zenoss: Installs and configures the ZenOss monitoring server. See Nagios info in the Security/MonitoringManagement folder.