This is a .NET rating user control built using C#/XAML. The user control targets Windows 10 apps but can be used across all .NET applications.
There is no nuget package :/ If you want to use rate control on your project, you should add rate control project to your existing project as reference.
Property | Description | Default Value |
IsOpen | sets a value that indicates whether the rate control is visible. | False |
Title | text of title | RATE US! |
TitleForegroundColor | color of title | Black |
TitleFontSize | font size of title | 18 |
StoreMessage | text to be displayed to the user after giving points | Do you want to give us some feedback? |
StoreMessageForegroundColor | color of store message | Black |
StoreMessageFontSize | font size of store message | 16 |
Height | height of user control | 120 |
Widht | width of user control | 420 |
Background | background color | White |
RateItemCount | number of rating item | - |
RateItemIco | icon of rate item that uses vector data | Star |
RatingValue | ignore this | 0 |
ApiUrl | api url will be sent the results | empty |
ApplicationName | name of application | empty |
OkContent | content of okay button | Go to store! |
CancelContent | content of cancel button | Thanks, later :/ |
OkCommand | function that will be invoked if clicks okay button | - |
CancelCommand | function that will be invoked if clicks cancel button | - |
We can instantiate a rate control like so:
<RateControl:RateUserControl x:Name="rate"
RateItemIco="F1 M 145.637,174.227L 127.619,110.39L 180.809,70.7577L 114.528,68.1664L 93.2725,5.33333L 70.3262,67.569L 4,68.3681L 56.0988,109.423L 36.3629,172.75L 91.508,135.888L 145.637,174.227 Z" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch"/>
C# (code-behind):
public MainPage()
rate.CancelCommand = new RelayCommand(CancelClicked);
rate.OkCommand = new RelayCommand(OkClicked);
public void CancelClicked(object x)
rate.IsOpen = false;
public async void OkClicked(object x)
await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri("ms-windows-store:reviewapp"));
rate.IsOpen = false;
private void button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
rate.IsOpen = !rate.IsOpen;
Take a look at the demo project for a closer look.
- Licensed under The MIT License (MIT).