""" Author: Shadman UR Rabbi
Script Name: PDFMERGER
Description: This script merges two pdf into one and put them in a folder called Combined. This is specially designed to accomodate the need of PDF Merging of front and backside. The two pdf has to have a requirement of a front page and a back page in the same folder. The naming convention is front page: "XYZ.pdf" and Back page : "XYZ-bk.pdf".
Python Version Used: python3.9, Fundamental Packages: os, pathlib, PyPDF2, tkinter(for GUI)
check: "log.txt" file in the destination folder to find naming issues. "
Date Modified: 11/6/2020
1.install pyinstaller(follow instruction on link: https://pypi.org/project/pyinstaller/).
2.open terminal.
3.cd Path:\to\PDFMergerMain.py. (for changing directory to a network drive use: /d after cd. example: cd /d Y:\Test Folder\PDFMereger)
4.pyinstaller --onefile PDFMergerMain.py
5.To find the executable file, open the dist folder: PDFMergerMain
Use the PDFMergerMain.py file
check: PDFMergerApp folder