Kimera 2.8.X is a simple and alternative frontend framework based on css, html5 and javascript.
The goals of this work, shared free under the GNU license, is to generate a ready-to-use development kit for interfaces and designs that are thinked for cross-platform and easy to modding. We invite you to read the API for every detail on the classes and systems of the framework. We invite you to read the API for every detail on the classes and systems of the framework.
If you like this project, we would like to have your appreciation: click on the ★ above this page and follow us on the official fanpage: kimera framework
- Based on clean and pure web languages (html5,css,js);
- Internal debugging system with suggestions about your mistakes (experimental);
- Compatible with all major browsers, cross system, and php \ node ecosystems;
- Compatible with cordova app (electron and capacitor is now under testing);
- Viewport pre-typed (web and app, mobile and not);
- Customizable modals (we call it outbox);
- Customizable alert, prompt and confirm;
- Full elastic layout and fit-elements design concept;
- Different types of assets preset, grids, snaps sliders, drag & drops, and other..
- Cross themifized in css4-draft & flanked to less and other compilers;
- Integrated dynamic Ui system;
- Integrated preloader and loader system (page to page);
- built-in effects (parallax, other);
- Integrated custom effector system (click, scroll, elements, other);
- and more...
Dev compatibility:
Creators link @ShapeGroup