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This is the comment tree app using rails, in which the concept of self referential associations is used.


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Comment Tree App

  • Comment tree app is a simple commenting app. In which a comment can have many responses/replies, making it a tree of comments, that's why it is named as Comment Tree
  • The concept of self-referential classes is used, to implement this Comment Tree
  • For the Authorization and Authentication, devise is used
  • A User can apply CRUD operation on the Comments
  • For User image, active storage is used
  • For test cases, rspec is used


  • A user can signin/signup
  • ... to be added here ...

How to contribute

Visit for contribution to this project.

How to Learn

Visit for learning self-referential associations and how it works in Ruby on Rails.

Work with GQL

  • Made sure you've started the server using: rails s
  • Access the playground on link: http://localhost:3000/graphiql
  • To get help about quering data using GQL in comment tree app, follow

Setup Details

Ruby version

  • ruby 2.4.1
  • Bundled with: 2.3.7

Setting up storage for images

In this project, I've used the AWS S3 Bucket for storing the user images. If you want the same functionality then you need to create your own S3 Bucket and add the required/relevant keys OR you can just set the storage to local. It is important to set this up for your local machine, otherwise you might face errors while sign_up or other places.

  • Local Storage

    • Go to config/environments/development.rb file and for the line: config.active_storage.service = :amazon_dev replace :amazon_dev with :local.
    • Like it will be: config.active_storage.service = :local
    • Restart the server and it will work on local storage
  • Setting up S3 Bucket

    • Make sure to create your own bucket on S3 or you can follow this Link for guidance on creating your S3 Bucket and connect it to the App.

    • Create your credentials file using: EDITOR="code --wait" bin/rails credentials:edit

    • Add the credentials:

          access_key_id: "XXXX"
          secret_access_key: "XXXX"
          region: "us-east-1"
            bucket: "BUCKET-NAME-DEV"
            bucket: "BUCKET-NAME-PROD"
    • Go to config/environments/development.rb file and for the line: config.active_storage.service = :local replace :local with :amazon_dev.

    • Like it will be: config.active_storage.service = :amazon_dev

    • Restart the server and it will work

Database creation

To setup the database for this project follow the steps below:

  • rails db:create
  • rails db:migrate

If you ran into issues, follow:

  • rails db:drop
  • rails db:create
  • rails db:migrate

Seed Database

To populate the database with some data use: rails db:seed

Starting the server

  • To start the server use: rails s.
  • You can see the application running on: http://localhost:3000/

How to run the test suite

  • For the test cases rspec is used.
  • To run the test cases, run the command: rspec
  • To run the test cases for a specific file, run the command: rspec file_path

System dependencies

  • To be added


  • To be added

Database initialization

  • To be added

Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)

  • To be added

Deployment instructions

  • To be added