A package designed for modeling and postprocessing metal systems, with a special focus on thin film applications.
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install git+https://github.com/BinglunYin/myalloy_package.git
pip install git+https://github.com/ShengLin1001/pjvasp_package.git
# or, download the repository.
pip install -e .
pip uninstall mymetal-pkg
├── build
│ └── film
├── calculate
│ ├── calenergy
│ ├── calmath
│ ├── calmechanics
│ ├── calmismatch
│ ├── calqm
│ └── electronic_structure
├── example
│ ├── test-cut
│ ├── test-generate-bulk
│ ├── test-hetbuilder-fixatom
│ ├── test-hydroxylated
│ ├── test-hydroxylated-custom
│ ├── test-post
│ ├── test-stack
│ ├── test-stretch
│ └── test-surface-energy
├── io
│ ├── post
│ └── vasp.py
├── ml
│ ├── confusionmatrix.py
│ ├── dataset.py
│ ├── model.py
│ └── plot.py
├── post
│ ├── newmain.py
│ └── oldmain.py
└── universial
├── atom
├── check
├── data
├── index
├── matrix
├── plot
├── print
└── search
33 directories, 7 files
Each module and function includes a docstring. If you have any questions, please refer to the source code or use the help() function.
I am working on generating the documentation directly from the docstrings. The /mymetal/example/ directory contains all the special functions I have developed.
############## jupyter
# iprPy
############## ml package
# torch
# torchvision
# scikit-learn
############## find heterostructure
# hetbuilder