You Must Use Virtual Environment else it will mess up with your default django migration table and you may need to uninstall and install django again.
Add in etc/environment file and name it
run https trusted server python runserver_plus --cert-file cert.crt
After running https server: go to
then reigster/login then drag the BOOKMARK IT button to the bookmarks toolbar of your browser
Open a website of your own choice in your browser and click on your bookmarklet. You will see that a new white box appears on the website, displaying all JPEG images found with dimensions higher than 100×100 pixels. for e.g.:
Select any image it will redirect to form where you can fill form and save that image.
When you are accessing your site through HTTPS. Your browser might show a security warning because you are using a self-generated certificate. If this is the case, access the advanced information displayed by your browser and accept the self-signed certificate so that your browser trusts the certificate.
You need to run redis server to view most viewed images and total views on an image.