This is the backend service for the Quantum Mirror app that forwards requests to OpenAI's DALL-E 2 endpoints.
A TLS 1.0 endpoint is deployed to support Sony's ancient TLS stack, and a default Cloudfront domain is used rather than a custom domain name so that Android 2.3.7's lack of SNI support doesn't cause an issue.
The Sony camera supplies the OpenAI account credentials in X-Authorization headers, so this service doesn't contain any credentials itself.
You can deploy this service with Serverless like so, just install Node.JS and configure the AWS SDK on your machine first:
git clone
cd quantum-mirror-lambda
npm install
./node_modules/.bin/sls deploy --verbose
Three Lambdas and a CloudFront distribution will be deployed to your AWS account, and it'll print out a list of outputs. Look for the one labelled "EndpointForCameraTokenTxt":
Stack Outputs:
Copy that address and put it into the "endpoint" line of the AI-SET.TXT file on your camera, e.g.: