Sentence level classification implementation based on PyTorch.
- CNN model from Yoonkim
- RNN attention/avg pooling model with/without merged RNN layers
- GloVE / word2vec embedding
- if dev data missing, random select 10% of training set as dev
- if test data missing, use 10 fold cross validation
Dataset | CNN-rand | CNN-w2v | CNN-glove | RNN-rand | RNN-w2v | RNN-glove |
MR | 75.90 (76.1) | 81.18(81.5) | 78.84 | 73.69 | 79.95 | 79.33 |
TREC | 91.20 (91.2) | 93.80(93.6) | 94.60 | 88.80 | 90.80 | 89.40 |
SST-5 | 44.75 (45.0) | 46.47(48.0) | 44.43 | 44.52 | 51.54 | 47.83 |
SST-2 | 84.29 (82.7) | 86.66(87.2) | 84.95 | 82.37 | 87.59 | 86.88 |
*Numbers in brackets are from Yoonkim's paper *Hyperparameter the same as Yoonkim. Default random seed, run once. *MR: 10 fold cross validation. TREC: random dev set. *RNN models are not tuned and use the same hyperparams as CNN models
Preprocess dataset
python script/preprocess/ --help
Train on the dataset
python script/classify/ --help
python script/classify/ --uncased --phrase --n-class 5
python script/classify/ --model-type cnn --n-class 5 --train-file sst/sst5_train.json --dev-file sst/sst5_dev.json --test-file sst/sst5_test.json --display-iter 500 --embedding-file word2vec --num-epoch 5
04/30/2018 01:23:45 PM: [ COMMAND: script/classify/ --model-type rnn --n-class 5 --train-file sst/sst5_train.json --dev-file sst/sst5_dev.json --test-file sst/sst5_test.json --display-iter 500 --embedding-file word2vec --num-epoch 5 ]
04/30/2018 01:23:45 PM: [ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ]
04/30/2018 01:23:45 PM: [ Load data files ]
04/30/2018 01:23:45 PM: [ Num train examples = 151765 ]
04/30/2018 01:23:45 PM: [ Num dev examples = 1100 ]
04/30/2018 01:23:45 PM: [ Num test examples = 2210 ]
04/30/2018 01:23:45 PM: [ Total 155075 examples. ]
04/30/2018 01:23:45 PM: [ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ]
04/30/2018 01:23:45 PM: [ CONFIG:
"batch_size": 50,
"concat_rnn_layers": false,
"cuda": true,
} ]
04/30/2018 01:23:45 PM: [ Build dictionary ]
04/30/2018 01:23:46 PM: [ Num words = 17838 ]
04/30/2018 01:23:46 PM: [ Loading pre-trained embeddings for 17836 words from /home/lsl/BlamePipeline/data/embeddings/w2v.googlenews.300d.txt ]
04/30/2018 01:24:25 PM: [ Loaded 16262 embeddings (91.18%) ]
04/30/2018 01:24:27 PM: [ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ]
04/30/2018 01:24:27 PM: [ train: Epoch = 0 | iter = 0/3036 | loss = 1.59 | elapsed time = 0.06 (s) ]
04/30/2018 01:24:30 PM: [ train: Epoch = 0 | iter = 500/3036 | loss = 1.08 | elapsed time = 3.37 (s) ]
04/30/2018 01:24:47 PM: [ train: Epoch 0 done. Time for epoch = 20.14 (s) ]
04/30/2018 01:24:48 PM: [ train valid: Epoch = 0 (best:0) | examples = 10000 | valid time = 0.69 (s). ]
04/30/2018 01:24:48 PM: [ acc: 61.49% ]
04/30/2018 01:24:48 PM: [ dev valid: Epoch = 0 (best:0) | examples = 1100 | valid time = 0.11 (s). ]
04/30/2018 01:24:48 PM: [ acc: 46.09% ]
04/30/2018 01:24:48 PM: [ Best valid: acc = 46.09% (epoch 0, 3036 updates) ]
04/30/2018 01:26:13 PM: [ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ]
04/30/2018 01:26:13 PM: [ Load best model... ]
04/30/2018 01:26:13 PM: [ Loading model /home/lsl/BlamePipeline/data/models/20180430-5302c404.mdl ]
04/30/2018 01:26:13 PM: [ test valid: Epoch = 3 (best:3) | examples = 2210 | valid time = 0.21 (s). ]
04/30/2018 01:26:13 PM: [ acc: 51.54% ]
04/30/2018 01:26:13 PM: [ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ]
04/30/2018 01:26:13 PM: [ Test acc: 51.54% ]
- python>=3.6
- pytorch>=0.4
- termcolor
- tqdm
- pytreebank (generate data for SST)
- gensim (convert word2vec bin to glove format)
python develop
- SST: Stanford Sentiment
- TREC & MR: sent-conv-torch
- glove: Stanford GloVe Project
- word2vec: Google Code Archive
from gensim.models.word2vec import Word2Vec
from gensim.models import KeyedVectors
model = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format('GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin', binary=True)
tail -n +2 w2v.googlenews.300d.txt > && mv -f w2v.googlenews.300d.txt
- yoonkim/CNN_sentence (preprocessing, model hyperparameters)
- Shawn1993/cnn-text-classification-pytorch (CNN pytorch implementation)
- facebookresearch/DrQA (code archtecture, RNN layer implementation)
- harvard-nlp/sent-conv-torch (processed data)