SENtence SYNonymity
Siddharth Chandrasekar and Kavya Jampani, 2019
A Natural Language Processing engine to rank the similarity of two sentences on a scale of 1-5.
Please do not plagiarize my code. You may use it as a reference but please make sure to cite it as a source in your bibliography.
Use the following steps to generate the following directories if not present -> Navigate to the project folder in command prompt -> mkdir data -> mkdir data\csv -> mkdir data\predictions -> mkdir data\tmp train-set.txt,dev-set.txt,test-set.txt files present in data folder.
- Import the project into PyCharm or any IDE of your choice
- Mark the src/ folder as "Sources Root"
- Execute
- i/p: sentence
- o/p: Results asked to compute in Task2
4 .Model Training and Evaluation
4.1 Execute to generate the features(X) and labels(y) for train and dev partitions.
- These numpy arrays are saved to disk on data/tmp folder. 4.2 Execute to train a gradient boosting model
- Train and Dev data is loaded from data/tmp folder
- model file is saved to data/models/gb-model.sav file.
- predictions on dev data is written to data/predictions/dev-set-predicted-answers.txt file.
- They are in a format as expected by the script 4.3 Execute to test the trained model on test data
- Predictions are written to data/predictions/test-set-predicted-answers.txt