###Team White presenting LittleBit
LittleBit gives people the opportunity to make very small donations when they checkout an item during an online purchase. The whole idea is that you can intergrate a donate button and when the user clicks it, you will be issuing one dollar extra to the basket as a donation. When you get payed you notify us and through our web platform we pay a charity this $1 directly through your account.
- Wow
- Much great
- So win
- Cozy code
###Project info Everything was build using
- nodejs
- mongoDB
- vanilla JS (it still needs a JS xhr request to remove jquery once and for all )
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Pusher for the intracommunications whenever a purchase was made
###Intergration There are 3 scripts in lb_modules, for PHP/Python/JS that you can easily intergrate with your server and have our API call accesible on the fly. The only thing you need is an API key you get when you create a profile in LittleBit!
###Licence MIT