This is a monorepo consisting of all the sample mobile applications in different languages & frameworks which are already instrumented to work out of the box with SigNoz, for locally testing the applications you can clone the repository using
git clone --sparse
Move to the cloned folder
cd mobile-monitoring-sample-apps
For testing Android app built with Kotlin
git sparse-checkout set android-kotlin
then there will be a single folder for Kotlin sample app, you can change directory to it, using cd android-kotlin
and run by following it's own instructions.
Similarly for testing Android app built with Java
git sparse-checkout set android-java
then there will be a single folder for Java sample app, you can change directory to it, using cd android-java
and run by following it's own instructions.
Similarly for testing Android/iOS app built with Flutter
git sparse-checkout set android-ios-flutter
then there will be a single folder for Flutter sample app, you can change directory to it, using cd android-ios-flutter
and run by following it's own instructions.
Similarly for testing iOS app built with Swift UI
git sparse-checkout set ios-swift
then there will be a single folder for Swift sample app, you can change directory to it, using cd ios-swift
and run by following it's own instructions.