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Signal K JS Client

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A Javascript SDK for Signal K clients. Provides various abstract interfaces for discovering the Signal K server and communication via WebSocket & REST. Aims to implement all major APIs in the most recent Signal K version(s).


[sudo] npm install --save @signalk/client


import Client, { Discovery } from '@signalk/client'
import Bonjour from 'bonjour'

let client = null

// Default options for instantiating a client:
const defaults = {
  hostname: 'localhost',
  port: 3000,
  useTLS: true,
  useAuthentication: false,
  notifications: true,
  autoConnect: false,
  reconnect: true,
  maxRetries: Infinity,
  maxTimeBetweenRetries: 2500,
  username: null,
  password: null,
  deltaStreamBehaviour: 'none',
  wsKeepaliveInterval: 0

// Instantiate client
client = new Client({
  hostname: '',
  port: 80,
  useTLS: false,
  reconnect: true,
  autoConnect: false,

// Instantiate client with authentication
client = new Client({
  hostname: '',
  port: 80,
  useTLS: false,
  rejectUnauthorized: false, // Optional, set to false only if the server has a self-signed certificate
  useAuthentication: true,
  reconnect: true,
  autoConnect: false,
  username: '',
  password: 'signalk',

// Discover client using mDNS
// Params: bonjour lib, search time
const bonjour = Bonjour()
const discovery = new Discovery(bonjour, 60000)

// Timeout fires when search time is up and no servers were found
discovery.on('timeout', () => console.log('No SK servers found'))

// Found fires when a SK server was found
discovery.on('found', (server) => {
  if (server.isMain() && server.isMaster()) {
    client = server.createClient({
      useTLS: false,
      useAuthentication: true,
      reconnect: true,
      autoConnect: true,
      notifications: false,
      username: '',
      password: 'signalk',

// Delta Stream over WS usage
// 1. Stream behaviour selection
client = new Client({
  hostname: '',
  port: 80,
  useTLS: false,
  reconnect: true,
  autoConnect: false,
  notifications: false,
  // Either "self", "all", "none", or null (see below)
  // - null: no behaviour is set for the delta stream, default behaviour is used. Use this option when connecting to older devices that don't support the subscription modifiers per query request. See
  // - "self" provides a stream of all local data of own vessel
  // - "all" provides a stream of all data for all vessels
  // - "none" provides no data over the stream
  deltaStreamBehaviour: 'self',
  // Either "all" or null.
  // - null: provides no Meta data over the stream
  // - "all" include Meta data of all data for all vessels
  sendMeta: 'all',
  // Sends an empty message to the websocket every 10 seconds when the client does not receive any more update from the server to detect if the socket is dead.
  wsKeepaliveInterval: 10


// 2. Subscribe to specific Signal K paths
client = new Client({
  hostname: '',
  port: 80,
  useTLS: false,
  reconnect: true,
  autoConnect: false,
  notifications: false,
  subscriptions: [
      context: 'vessels.*',
      subscribe: [
          path: 'navigation.position',
          policy: 'instant',

// 3. Listen to the "delta" event to get the stream data
client.on('delta', (delta) => {
  // do something with delta

// 4. Modify your subscription parameters. Can be a single object or an array.
    context: 'vessels.*',
    subscribe: [
        path: 'navigation.position',
        policy: 'instant',

// 5. Unsubscribe from all data paths.

// REST API usage
// 1. Fetch an entire group
  .API() // create REST API client
  .then((api) => api.navigation())
  .then((navigationGroupResult) => {
    // Do something with navigation group data

// 2. Fetch a specific path
  .API() // create REST API client
  .then((api) => api.get('/vessels/self/navigation/position')) // Path can be specified using dotnotation and slashes
  .then((positionResult) => {
    // Do something with position data

// 3. Fetch meta for a specific path
  .API() // create REST API client
  .then((api) => api.getMeta('vessels.self.navigation.position'))
  .then((positionMetaResult) => {
    // Do something with position meta data

// 4. Fetch the entire tree for the local vessel
  .API() // create REST API client
  .then((api) => api.self())
  .then((selfResult) => {
    // Do something with boat data

// ... check out the tests for more REST API examples

Other Signal K Clients:

Angular: Signal K client for the Angular framework signalk-client-angular


  • Node SK server responds with "Request updated" for access request responses. This is incorrect per spec
  • Node SK server paths for access requests repsponses are not correct to spec (i.e. no /signalk/v1 prefix)