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Crudo allows conveniently working with raw blocks in terms of individual lines. It allows you to e.g.

  • filter lines by content
  • filter lines by range (slicing)
  • transform lines
  • join multiple raw blocks

While transforming the content, the original parameters specified on the given raw block will be preserved.

Getting Started

#import "@preview/crudo:0.1.0"

#let preamble = ```typ
#import "@preview/crudo:0.0.1"


#let example = ````typ
int main() {
  return 0;

#let full-example = crudo.join(preamble, example)

= The example


= The example with preamble


(usually you don't show this)

= Evaluating the example

#eval(full-example.text, mode: "markup")


See the manual for details.