You can use CSS Grid on IE 11,
but IE has different Grid attributes, so you need to edit SASS to use Grid.
Here are 11 examples.
You can open these on IE 11.
- Grid (4)
Container Attribute (4)
- display
- grid-template-areas
- grid-template-rows
- grid-template-columns
Item Attribute (4)
- grid-area (2)
- grid-row
- grid-column
- justify-self
- align-self
- z-index
- grid-area (2)
Unit (3)
- fr
- min-content (1)
- word-break
- max-content
Function (2)
- repeat
- minmax
- Grid (4)
Container Attribute (5)
- display
- grid (4) (IE X)
- grid-template (3) (IE X)
- grid-template-areas
- grid-template-rows (2)
- line-naming (IE X)
- reverse-counting (IE X)
- grid-template-columns (2)
- line-naming (IE X)
- reverse-counting (IE X)
- grid-auto-flow (IE X)
- grid-auto-columns (IE X)
- grid-auto-rows (IE X)
- grid-template (3) (IE X)
- gap (2) (IE X)
- column-gap (IE X)
- row-gap (IE X)
- place-items (2) (IE X)
- justify-items (IE X)
- align-items (IE X)
- place-content (2) (IE X)
- justify-content (IE X)
- align-content (IE X)
Item Attribute (4)
- grid-area (2) (IE needs)
- grid-row (2)
- grid-row-start (IE X)
- grid-row-end (IE X)
- grid-column (2)
- grid-column-start (IE X)
- grid-column-end (IE X)
- grid-row (2)
- place-self (2) (IE X)
- justify-self
- align-self
- z-index
- order (IE uses 'grid-area' instead of 'order')
- grid-area (2) (IE needs)
Unit (5)
- fr
- min-content (1)
- word-break
- max-content
- auto-fill (IE X)
- auto-fit (IE X)
Function (2)
- repeat
- minmax