The code for team 3400S's robot.
- Compiled executables for interacting with robot and APIs.
- /display/* - Files required for interacting with the display, lvgl.h should be included in api.h which is included in main.h.
- /okapi/* - Files required for OKAPI.
- /pros/* - Files required for interacting with robot API. Included in api.h which is included in main.h.
- misc.hpp - This file has been edited to make controller_id_e_t pros::Controller::_id public instead of private.
- motors.hpp - This file has been edited to make const std::uint8_t pros::Motor::_port public instead of private.
- api.h - The file to include to interact with the robot API.
- config.hpp - Robot configuration.
- controller.hpp - The file to include to send commands to the controller.
- error.hpp - The file to include to handle robot errors.
- main.h - Defines functions to be run by robot and includes api.h.
- autonomous.cpp - Code for the autonomous period (15 seconds).
- config.cpp - Robot configuration. config.hpp must also be updated.
- controller.cpp - Code for sending commands to controller.
- controller.tpp - Implementation of the templates defined in controller.hpp since templates have to be defined/included in header files.
- error.cpp - Code for the catching of errors.
- error.tpp - Implementation of the templates defined in error.hpp since templates have to be defined/included in header files.
- initialize.cpp - Sets up the robot.
- opcontrol.cpp - Code for controlling the robot with the controller.
File needed for make.
File needed for make.
File needed to upload program, interact with the PROS CLI, and to use the PROS editor.
Requires PROS-CLI3 installed. Build using "prosv5 make". Outputs to bin/.
Plug in V5 brain into computer with micro-USB cable. Upload using "prosv5 upload".
BHS Robotics website is here.
The latest game manual can be viewed here.