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ElasticSearch Public API

Igor Rjabinin edited this page Jun 11, 2020 · 6 revisions

Web umenia API

SNG is providing public readonly access to the Webumenia ElasticSearch index.


URL is:

You can request the credentials by contacting us at

Docs and resources

To learn more about using ElasticSearch you can read the official ES documentation or our presentation (in Slovak).


The route is forwarded directly to the index /items_sk (no need to specify it).

It's generated by the script SetupElasticsearch.php

It contains index types: items and authorities, with their respective en, sk, and cz translations, i.e. items_en, items_sk, authorities_cs etc.

You can list all indices with their mapping with curl -XGET -u {username}:{password} '*/_mapping?pretty=true'

Available analyzers:

  • ascii_folding
  • autocomplete (being used together with ascii_folding for search suggestions)
  • slovencina apply stopwords + lemmatization + asciifolding
  • slovencina_synonym same as above but adds synonyms

For many properties we use multi_fields.

  • <field> is most usually not_analyzed for exact match or filters & aggregations (query must be exact, e.g. "Štúdia sediaceho muža")
  • <field>.folded use ascii_folding to support search without diacritics (e.g. "studia sediaceho muza")
  • <field>.stemmed use slovencina to support search lemmatization (e.g. "sediaci muz")

Example Queries

Search for public domain artworks:

curl -XGET -u {username}:{password} ''

search across all translations:

curl -XGET -u {username}:{password} '*/_search?q=is_free:true'

or with the query parameters specified as a data object:

curl -XGET -u {username}:{password} -d '{
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
        { "term": { "is_free": true } }
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