All projects contain build instruction in file in a root of the project.
buildtools - gcc for esp8266
micropython unix
micropython/ports/unix$ make
micropyth port for esp8266 - esp micropython firmware
micropython/ports/esp8266$ make
user module hworld - C_Module for micropython
micropython/examples/usermodule/hworld$ make
programm esp board with
- executed after, may be used for some actions - connect to local WiFi, may be leave esp-board in a AccessPoint mode(connect to eps-board wifi network nedeed)
- connect to the board
- in file manager: copy to esp filesystem and hworld.mpy
- in terminal window: send to the board +D to restart
- in terminal window:
import webrepl; webrepl.start(password="123456")
- connect to esp board with local WebREPL page
- enter password and you may use micropython REPL over WiFi