WARNING! Please read about risks of using nthLink!
nthLink API client. Retrieves shadowsocks servers and credentials. Can generate SIP-002 compatible URLs and QR codes corresponding to such URLs.
- Plug and Play approach: bring your favorite shadowsocks client!
- Cross-platform (Windows/Mac OS/Linux/Android (via shell)/*BSD)
- Zero configuration
- Simple and straightforward
Pre-built binaries are available here.
Alternatively, you may install nth-dump from source. Run the following within the source directory:
make install
docker run -it --rm yarmak/nth-dump
Just run binary and it will output credentials.
$ nth-dump -h
Usage of /home/user/go/bin/nth-dump:
-format string
output format: text, raw, json (default "text")
-load-profile string
load JSON with settings profile from file
do not print QR code with URL
do not wait for key press after output (default true)
-profile string
secrets and constants profile (android/win/mac/ios) (default "android")
-save-profile string
save JSON profile for chosen configuration and exit
-timeout duration
operation timeout (default 30s)
-url-format string
output URL format: sip002, sip002u, sip002qs (default "sip002")
show program version and exit