MANONNIKKI is a Yume Nikki fangame created by Shadok, however, in lore, it was created as a collaborative effort between Manon and Cybermare.
MANONNIKKI plays as a normal EasyRPG game. However, there are no combat situations, and your only goal is to see all the sights. It was created using EasyRPG 2003, and is available on only through a web version. Simply type MANONNIKKI into the search bar of your favorite search engine, and it should be the first result. You can also play it here in raw format.
This is an archive that was acheived soley through using the Network Log tools in Firefox, inspecting where it was loaded from, and trial and error. It's mostly an archive as of now, but my goal is to find players for other consoles so I can port it to other platforms, like Windows, Mac, Linux, and maybe even Wii/Gamecube and 3DS ports!
There currently are no releases, so the only way to play the game is to get your OS's EasyRPG player build, and drop it into the game files.
You can download the player for your OS here.
The "dev-environment" folder was used early in the ripping process by me, and was an analysis of my seesion cookies. I didn't log in, so this doesn't contain any "personal information." The most you're getting is that I use DuckDuckGo. There was hexadecimal that I was sure if I decrypted would give me answers. It didn't.
All patched up as of now!
LOVEWEB and MANONNIKKI were created by Shadok, and are not of my own creation. If takedown is requested, simply file the issue under the repository, and I'll take it down. Thanks to Shadok, err, Cybermare for SOFTMARE, as it was vital to my success, acting as an example EasyRPG file tree, which I needed to make it work. Thanks to @bakustarver for the guidance on how to get EasyRPG working on Linux, without them, I likely would have abandon this project!