Read from for completly info
simply upload your Python(Pypi) or JAVA(Maven) packaged artifact like wheel or jar AND WITH ALL THERE DEPENDENCIES to your local nexus
YES!I don't and I never want to BUILD AND PUBLISH this repo to PUBLIC Pypi.
ALL you need is download this code and try it yourself whatelse
think everybody has a local nexus, every one want's to
- build your code to wheel or jar
- upload the wheel or jar to your nexus
- with all there dependencies (whl or jar)
- must include a
- copy
to your project's root - run with
python -t [nexus repo path](must) -u [nexus username](opt) -p [nexus password](opt)
- use "-k True(default value)|Fasle" to keep wheels after package and upload (opt)
- use "-i [pypi source url]" to set a custom pypi source (opt)
- must use maven
- run with
python -s [maven module's pom path](must) -t [nexus repo path](must) -u [nexus username](opt) -p [nexus password](opt)
- use "-k True(default value)|Fasle" to keep nexux_pom.xmls and jars and dependency jars after package and upload (opt)
- use "-m [Maven Home]" to detect your maven home (opt)
- use "-j [JAVA Home]" to detect your java home (opt)
- use "-i [maven repo url]" to set a custom mave repo source (opt)
- use "--mvn-settings=[maven setting.xml]", "--mvn-local-repository=[your local maven repository]" (both opt)
- if you want to clean up , switch to the [maven module's path] use "mvn clean"
note that: only support <packaging>jar</packaging> or <packaging>pom</packaging>--and all sub-final-module is <packaging>jar</packaging>
For python
- build with setuptools
- copy requirements.txt named temp_requirements.txt to the dist dir
- make a virtualenv in the dist dir
- activate the virtaulenv and pip install -r temp_requirements.txt
- gather the Downloading or Using Cache urls
- download there urls to dist/libs
- use twine to upload dist/libs/* and the builded result to nexus
For java
- build with maven
- copy and backup the poms
- modify pom.xml add plugin "maven-dependency-plugin"
- execute maven goal "package" , "dependecy:list" and "dependency:copy-dependencies"
- gather "dependecy:list" items and find the copied dependencies jars, resovle them to "mvn deploy:deploy-file" goal
- tather builded result and resolve to "mvn deploy:deploy-file" goal
- execute these goals
- setup4nexus define a "simple_download" to download dependencies and "simple_twine2nexus" to upload them and builed wheel, it should be more robustness
- setup4nexus did not tested on a real MAC or linux, so I don't think it will work well, because it will open a terminal(only tested cmd on WIN) with subprocess to work.
- maven4nexus, just like the same....
- maven4nexus, may be writed as a maven plugin.
- no "CLI help info",because i'm a lazy boy
- when meet some err(like network err), you will run it again, but now, every stage will work again, it don't check its result--build or mavn package will re-run, it need to be improved and every stages should be more robustness.