yarn add react-native-secured-storage react-native-keychain https://github.com/SolidStateGroup/react-native-pbkdf2 @react-native-community/async-storage
npm install --save react-native-secured-storage react-native-keychain https://github.com/SolidStateGroup/react-native-pbkdf2 @react-native-community/async-storage
- React Native 0.60+
CLI autolink feature links the module while building the app.
- React Native <= 0.59
$ react-native link react-native-keychain react-native-pbkdf2 @react-native-community/async-storage
Note For iOS
using cocoapods
, run:
$ cd ios/ && pod install
See docs for manual linking guide
New React Native comes with autolinking
feature, which automatically links Native Modules in your project.
In order to get it to work, make sure you unlink
dependencies first first:
$ react-native unlink react-native-keychain react-native-pbkdf2 @react-native-community/async-storage
import SecuredStorage from 'react-native-secured-storage';
await SecuredStorage.init('mypassword');
would be called once on relaunching the app if secured storage has already been initialised.
const storage = await SecuredStorage.get();
const mydata = storage['mydata'];
const mydata2 = SecuredStorage.storage['mydata2'];
await SecuredStorage.setItem('key', {complex: 'object'});
await SecuredStorage.setItem('key', null, 'or just a string');
await SecuredStorage.removeItem('key');