Labyrinth role game
Description: A game where you have to reach a goal, beating enemies and obtaining items, increase level, and and defeat them.
Parts: Map: half done. Define a variable with all the parameters of the map (map position). Parameters: -Cell of the map number. -Position in x,y -Orientantion from where we are looking the map. -If there is a wall or not. -NOT DONE the enemies.
Missing all up orientation.
Charaters: Half done.
Carlos: Level 1: half death man's kick Level 2: Durnked man's technique Level 3: Freeletics workout result
Julen Level 1: Stone trowing. Level 2: Log hit. Level 3: Camusean existencialism attack
Alejandro Level 1: To decide Level 2: Arcos knive slash Level 3: To decide.
Basic parameters (basic_param): -Character. -Level. -Max health -health (max 100). -Attack -Defense -3 Attacks
Orientation position(orient_pos): -Its obvious (originally x=1, y=4 orient=1)
Bag (bag): -Manchego Cheese (potion, full restore health). -Level up cookie.
Possible actions (poss_act): 1 if it the can be done, 0 if not.
-Turn right.TR -Turn left.TL -Go forward (if there is a wall y does not move, and if there is an enemy it does not move also and it injures).GF -(Attacks availables).A1,A2,A3 -Look bag: it shows the items and quantity and open the menu LB ·use item x. ·close bag.
Enemies: To do and decide.
Edit 31/07:
-Finished definition of walls in the map. -Start to define characters and enemies
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