Welcome to my web portfolio! Here, I showcase my projects and skills in web development. I've built this portfolio using a combination of HTML, Tailwind CSS, JavaScript, GSAP, and SplitType. It's fully animated, responsive, and follows modern architecture principles.
Welcome to my Project 1! I've developed a modern portfolio website that is fully animated and responsive, showcasing my skills and projects.
- HTML: Used to structure the content of the website.
- CSS: Employed for styling and design.
- JavaScript (JS): Used to add interactivity and dynamic elements to the website.
- Git and GitHub: Leveraged for version control and collaboration.
- GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform): Used for advanced animation effects.
- SplitType: Utilized for text animation effects.
- Pinterest: Used for sourcing images to enhance visual appeal.
- Remix Icons: Used for incorporating icons into the design.
Check out my modern portfolio here. Feel free to explore and experience the animations and responsiveness firsthand!
This project showcases my proficiency in web development and design, as well as my ability to utilize various tools and technologies to create engaging and visually appealing websites. Stay tuned for more exciting projects!
Connect with me on social media:
- Instagram: @sourav_chhimpa
- GitHub: @souravhere
- Twitter: @souravchhimpa1
- LinkedIn: Sourav Chhimpa
Feel free to reach out to me for collaborations, questions about my projects, or just to say hello!