This command line application is useful in cleaning the auxiliary files generated by LaTeX tools like latexmk, TexStudio. This program recursively traverses the given folder and deletes the files with extensions in the following blocked list.
- aux
- lof
- log
- lot
- fls
- out
- toc
- fmt
- fot
- cb
- cb3
- lb
- bbl
- bcf
- blg
- xml
- fdb_latexmk
- synctex
- synctex(busy)
- pdfsync
- alg
- loa
- nav
- pre
- snm
- vrb
- acn
- acr
- glg
- glo
- gls
- glsdefs
- lzo
- lzs
- slg
- slo
- sls
- nlg
- nlo
- nls
The program is written completely in Rust, and can be installed using cargo.
To install this program, first install cargo by following the installation steps for your operating system.
Subsequently run the following command to install this crate -
cargo install latexclean
Optionally, you could also install this application directly from source by running the following command
cargo install --git
$ cd \path\to\your\latex\workspace
$ latexclean
To enable verbose output,
latexclean --verbose
latexclean -v
latexclean --list
latexclean -l