Welcome to my personal portfolio website repository! This repository contains the source code and assets for my personal portfolio website.
This repository houses the code for my personal portfolio website. It serves as a showcase of my work, skills, and experiences. The website provides visitors with an overview of my background, projects, and contact information. Feel free to explore the website and get to know me better!
- About Me: An introduction to who I am, my background, and my professional experiences.
- Projects: Showcase my portfolio projects with descriptions, screenshots, and links to live demos or repositories.
- Skills: Highlights my technical skills and areas of expertise.
- Contact: A contact form to get in touch with me directly.
- HTML5: Structure and layout of the web pages.
- CSS3: Styling and visual design of the website.
- JavaScript: Adds interactivity and functionality to the website.
Here's how you can navigate and use the website effectively:
- About Me: Read the "About Me" section to learn about my background, skills, and experiences.
- Projects: Browse through the projects section to view my portfolio. Click on project titles or images to view detailed information and access live demos or repositories.
- Skills: Check out the "Skills" section to see a list of my technical skills and areas of expertise.
- Contact: Use the contact form to get in touch with me. Fill in your details and your message, and I will respond as soon as possible.
Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. Let's make this portfolio website even better together!
MIT License