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sparse-ir v1.0: optimal basis meets stable code

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@mwallerb mwallerb released this 22 Nov 12:42
· 13 commits to mainline since this release

Today we are proud to release the first stable version of sparse-ir: a python library for optimal compression of many-body propagators on the imaginary (Euclidean) time axis as well as fast and stable diagrammatic computations.

Reasons to use IR basis functions and sparse sampling:

  • The IR basis is a provably optimal basis for many-body propagators on the imaginary axis
  • The IR basis comes with a sparse, near-optimal set of imaginary times and frequencies on which diagrammatic equations can be solved.
  • The IR basis has an intimate connection with the real-frequency axis: it is a powerful preprocessor and preconditioner for analytic continuation.

Reasons to upgrade from the old irbasis library:

  • sparse-ir computes bases for arbitrary cutoffs and kernels, usually within seconds
  • sparse-ir provides battle-tested classes for sparse sampling, with fast and accurate fitting methods
  • sparse-ir significantly improves upon the choice of sampling points, also allowing the use of symmetries
  • sparse-ir packages objects for representing self-energies