A platform to buy and sell books
- Search a book, find the nearest sellers selling it
- Search a seller, view what he/she is selling and contact him/her
- Find the nearest shops which sell books, also suggest any new shop(Like google maps)
Login page- Seller profile form
- Seller Page: A page to keep track of the different books he/she is selling
- Seller Form: Details of a book
- Buyer main Page : A page with Nav Bar to choose from maps 1, 2 and 3
- Buyer Page 1, a ListView with all the available book names
- Buyer map 1 : Display Sellers of a chosen Book
- Buyer map 2 : Display all sellers
- Buyer map 3 : Display all the nearby shops
Seller details : Displaying the details of the seller once chosen from map 2Book details : Displaying the details of the book once chosen from map 1, containing seller details too- Adding markers to suggest new shops in map 3
- Octa login
- Seller table
- Books table
Name | Phone | EmailID | Rating | Latitude | Longitude | Picture |
Name | SellerEmailId | Condition | Author | Edition | Price | Picture | NoOfBooks |
Name | Latitude | Longitude | Pic | Address | Phone |
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