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Libre Grafana panel for Create, Read, Update and Delete of Products and Product Groups


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Libre Product CRUD Table Panel

Libre Grafana panel for Create, Read, Update and Delete of Products and Product Groups

This panel gives users the ability to search for, create, read, update and delete products and product groups as part of Libre. Products are associated with a Product group and consist of materials applied at production operations. Orders can be created with an associated Product. This plugin interfaces to a no security json rest api for products and product groups running on the same grafana server. This panel is targeted at Grafana v6.x.x only.

Product Groups have one property

  1. group_name - Name of the product group required, limited to 50 characters

Products have four properties.

  1. id - Name of the product required, limited to 20 characters
  2. ingredient - JSON Blob of the ingredients required
  3. product_group - Name of the associated product group required, limited to 50 characters
  4. product_desc - Description of the product required, limited to 50 characters

Products Panel


The easiest way to get started with this plugin is to download the latest release, unzip into grafana plugin directory and restart grafana.

Download the latest release

$ wget
Resolving (
2020-06-24 20:47:59 (1.08 MB/s) - '' saved [90150]

Unzip into your Grafana plugin directory

$ unzip -d /var/lib/grafana/plugins
inflating: /var/lib/grafana/libre-product-crud-table-panel/

Restart Grafana

$ service grafana-server restart
 * Stopping Grafana Server
 * Starting Grafana Server


In order to get the most out of this panel:

  1. Add a Table metric to query products. For example SELECT * FROM product. This panel expects an id, name and sequence column.

  2. Add another Table metric to query product_group. For example SELECT * FROM product_group.

  3. Add another Table metric to query material. For example SELECT * FROM material.

  4. Add another Table metric to query operation. For example SELECT * FROM operation.

  5. Apply custom column styles:

Column Type Name Override Other
id String Product ID -
product_desc String Product Description -
ingredient Hidden -
product_group String Brand Product Line -

Panel Metrics

Product Groups


Use the + icon at the top right of the panel and select Product Group. Provide a unique name and submit.


Use the boxes icon at the top right of the panel and select Update. Use the drop down to select the product group, provide a new unique name and submit.


Use the boxes icon at the top right of the panel and select Remove. Use the drop down to select the product group and submit.



Use the + icon and select Product. With the dialog select a product group from the drop down, provide an product id (number) and a description. In the next section use the drop down to select an operation, the type-ahead to select a material and provide weights. Use the Add + heading to consecutively add in operations, materials and weights. Once all operations for the product are added, provide a comment and submit.


Click an existing product so show the actions popup. Select Update, make changes and submit.


Click an existing product to show the actions popup. Select delete.


Use the drop down at the top of the panel to filter the products by product group.


Getting Started

A docker-compose and grunt script is provided in order to quickly evaluate source code changes. This requires


  • docker (>= 18 required)
  • docker-compose (>= 1.25 required)
  • node (>= 12 required)
  • npm (>= 6 required)

Start by cloning this repository

$ git clone
Cloning into 'Libre-Product-CRUD-Table-Panel'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 46, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (46/46), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (31/31), done.
remote: Total 46 (delta 13), reused 46 (delta 13), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (46/46), done.

Enter project and install dependencies

$ cd ./Libre-Product-CRUD-Table-Panel
$ npm install
added 624 packages in 11.542s

Install Grunt globally

$ npm install grunt -g
C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\npm\grunt -> C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\grunt\bin\grunt
+ grunt@1.1.0
updated 1 package in 1.364s

Run grunt to build the panel

$ grunt
Running "copy:src_to_dist" (copy) task
Created 3 directories, copied 14 files

Running "copy:readme" (copy) task
Created 1 directory, copied 10 files

Running "string-replace:dist" (string-replace) task

1 files created

Running "copy:pluginDef" (copy) task
Copied 1 file

Running "babel:dist" (babel) task


Start detached

$ docker-compose -f up -d
Starting libre-product-crud-table-panel_postgres_1
Starting libre-product-crud-table-panel_postrest_1
Starting libre-product-crud-table-panel_simulator_1
Starting libre-product-crud-table-panel_grafana_1

Run grunt watch to recompile on change

$ grunt watch
Running "watch" task

Open your favourite editor and start editing ./src files. The grunt watch task will detect this and recompile the panel. Use your favourite web browser and point to http://localhost:3000 login and create a dashboard with this panel. Your browser will need to be refreshed to reflect your changes to this panel, ensure your browser isn't caching files.



  • node (>= 12 required)
  • npm (>= 6 required)

Build panel and zip into archive

$ grunt build
Running "clean:0" (clean) task
>> 1 path cleaned.

Running "clean:1" (clean) task
>> 1 path cleaned.

Running "clean:2" (clean) task
>> 1 path cleaned.

Running "copy:src_to_dist" (copy) task
Created 3 directories, copied 14 files

Running "copy:readme" (copy) task
Created 1 directory, copied 10 files

Running "string-replace:dist" (string-replace) task

1 files created

Running "copy:pluginDef" (copy) task
Copied 1 file

Running "babel:dist" (babel) task

Running "compress:main" (compress) task
>> Compressed 55 files.

Running "compress:tar" (compress) task
>> Compressed 55 files.


Find a completed build of this panel in the root directory named


For any issue, there are fundamentally three ways an individual can contribute:

  • By opening the issue for discussion: For instance, if you believe that you have uncovered a bug in, creating a new issue in the GitHub issue tracker is the way to report it.
  • By helping to triage the issue: This can be done either by providing supporting details (a test case that demonstrates a bug), or providing suggestions on how to address the issue.
  • By helping to resolve the issue: Typically, this is done either in the form of demonstrating that the issue reported is not a problem after all, or more often, by opening a Pull Request that changes some bit of something in the panel in a concrete and reviewable manner.

Change log

  • 1.0.4 Security Update

    • Upgrade ini 1.3.5 to 1.3.8
    • Bump Revision
  • 1.0.3 Security Update

    • Update bl library >=1.2.3
    • Bump Revision
  • 1.0.2 Add tar build output

    • Remove unused libraries
    • Fix npm audit
    • Add tar build output
    • Update README shell outputs
    • Bump Revision
  • 1.0.1 Documentation Updates

    • Fix paths, shell output & subtitle
    • Remove unused reference
    • Remove unused grunt config
  • 1.0.0 Initial Public Release