You can test this widget on this link
var tutorial = Alloy.createWidget("fr.squirrel.tutorial",{
indicatorSelect : {
image: "/images/ellipseblue.png"
indicatorUnselect : {
image: "/images/ellipseblueinactive.png"
titleBtnStart: "Suivant",
titleBtnEnd : "Fermer",
success : function(e){
page : {
image : "/images/photoTutorial1.jpg"
title : {
text : "Lorem ipsum dolor.",
subtitle :{
text : "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus sollicitudin magna eget velit aliquet, id facilisis nulla commodo. Fusce a hendrerit dolor, sed volutpat lacus.",
image :"/images/logo.png"
page : {
image : "/images/photoTutorial2.jpg"
title : {
text : "Curabitur scelerisque justo.",
subtitle :{
text : "Nam viverra gravida quam varius aliquam",
image :"/images/logo.png"
page : {
image : "/images/photoTutorial3.jpg"
title : {
text : "Cras in tincidunt eros.",
subtitle :{
text : "Aenean fringilla mi sit amet luctus tristique. Cras ultrices dolor non lacus bibendum tristique.",
image :"/images/logo.png"
var tutorial = Alloy.createWidget("fr.squirrel.tutorial",{
indicatorSelect : {
image: "/images/ellipseblue.png"
indicatorUnselect : {
image: "/images/ellipseblueinactive.png"
titleBtnStart: "Suivant",
titleBtnEnd : "Fermer",
success : function(e){
- "indicatorSelect" : this property is for edit the page indicator when is the current page.
- "indicatorUnselect" : this property is for edit the page indicator when is not the current page.
- "titleBtnStart" : this property is for edit the button title when the current page is not the last page.
- "titleBtnEnd" : this property is for edit the button title when the current page is the last page.
- "success" : Event call when we click the close button.
"argument" this argument is a collection of each page in tutorial . You can handle each data with different properties :
- "page" : this property edit the background photo of the page
- "title" : this property edit the page's title
- "subtitle" :this property edit the page's subtitle
- "logo" :this property edit the logo
close the window