Data is more powerful when its shared! I am excited to share with you my analysis of the impact of Latitude on Weather conditions. In this user-friendly website you will see charts and table illustrations of my research on weather conditions in relationship to latitude. This website is very interactive and has live animations as well as the capability to link several ways between pages. It will also update the scale of the format depending on the size screen you are viewing it on! Please Enjoy!
- Bootstrap
At the top of my website, there is navigation bar. To create this bar I used code from BootStrap
. The NavBar includes:
- A home page button which is featured on ever page and will return you to the summary landing page
- A Plots Dropdown menu that includes links to my 4 weather summaries
- A Comparison link to that shows a page with all 4 weather summaries in a grid formation
- A Data link that takes you to a page with the data table used to plot my results
The code for the Nav Bar came from the Bootstrap documentation page. I added formatting in my .css
file to change the color, font and padding of the bar. I also added a function to show a cursor pointer on the mouse when you hover over the links. To make the orientation of the links on the left, I used the code align-items: left
My home page is made up of one large container
class with 2 smaller containers
inside. With this layout, I was able to use the grid
format to arrange my containers on the page. The main container
includes my summary of the project. It is located in row 1, column size 8. My second container is smaller and sits on the right side of the page. It is located in row 1 but in column size 4. I used .css
formatting to adjust the size of my margins and padding to make the images as easy to view as possible.
Within my second container called ‘Comparison’ , I have 4 images of my 4 plots also arranged in a grid
format. Each image is a live link to the corresponding plots main page. This ‘Comparison’ container is located on each page for easy browsing.
For added fun, I included a cloud animation that runs in the background of each of my pages on this site. I found the animation code from a site called CodePen . The main code lives on each .html
page but there is also a supplementary .css
file that I linked to each page as well.
My ‘Comparison’ page includes one container
inside a larger container
that is the whole page. This helped me to format the location of the ‘Comparison’ box. Within the box, there are 4 images that are active links to the corresponding plots main page.
For each of my weather analysis pages, I used the same format as the home page- a large container
with 2 smaller containers
inside and used the grid
format to arrange them. I also added code in my .css
to make the font size inherit
and the images fluid
. This helps the page re-size when scaling.
There are a total of 4 data pages including scatter plots created in jupyter notebook
- Max-Temp
- Humidity
- Cloudiness
- Windspeed
These pages can be reached by clicking on the Plots
Dropdown menu, by clicking on the images in the “Comparison” side bar and by clicking on the images in the “Comparison” page.
My Data page shows a table of the data used to plot my weather analysis. In ’jupyter notebook
the data is in a .csv
format. To add it to the web site and make it browsable, I had to convert the .csv
file into .html
format. I did this in my jupyter notebook
by using the code df.to_html( )
. This created a file that was .html
that can be viewed in an internet browser.
I added the table to my website with the class “table-responsive” and then copied the data from my data.html file into the class. With “table-responsive” you can scroll across the table regardless of the size of the screen is.
My website responds to changes in screen size. It can be viewed on a large monitor, a medium tablet, or a small smart phone. When you reduce the screen width, the nav bar collapses and becomes a drop-down button. Also, the 2 containers stack on top of each other instead of being side to side.
To make my pages responsive, I added extra code guidelines like image-fluid
, ‘container-fluidand
width: auto` .
For my animation, I used code from: Mark Bowley
Weather Data Source: WeatherPy
My Website: Weather vs. Latitude