- Unity 2017
- VS 2017
- HoloToolkit
- Having the virutal reality enabled in Windows 10
- Windows 10 1705
- Open Unity
- Open the project in the folder named Actimage-OCR-PISquare\FullScreen-Version\UnityProject\Assets
- Compile the solution
- File Menu
- Build Settings
- Make sure that:
- Target device = Hololens
- Build type = D3D
- Unity C# Project is checked
- Unity developpment build is checked
- Press build
- Select an output folder.
- Open the folder location
- Open the Project4.sln File
- In the Solution Explorer on the left expand references
- Delete MediaFrameQrProcessing on every project
- Click on the solution name, and add existing project Actimage-OCR-PISquare\FullScreen-Version\MediaFrameQrProcessing
- Click on references on Project 4 and tick MediaFrameQrProcessing
- Do the same for Assembly-Csharp
- Change the debug build to x86
- Either use device or Local computer
- Launch the solution if it says it's already installed replace it
- You'll have to launch it twice to enable everything (Mike + Camera)
- It won't ask for camera permissions if not in debug mode. Else it won't work on local computer if not in debug mode
- To enable debug mode (On by default) in assembly C# set in Constants.cs
public static Boolean DEBUG = true;